1、 本產品性能穩定,操作簡單易懂,安全系數高,保養簡單快捷。
The products hashigh reliability,easy to operate, high safety factor, simple in maintenance
Unique contoured shape ,Good-looking and practical.,Made by advanced coating process workmanship.
2、 切割原理:帶有V-CUT的PCB在上下兩圓刀電機動力的作用下作直線運動;
3、 cutting principle: PCB with V-CUT dolinear motion, under the function ofmotor driving caused by up and down’s motor knives.
4、 4、切割過程中操作員隻要用手扶住PCB便可達到理想的切割效果;
5、 本機適用於所有的具有直線V-CUT的PCB板;
The machine can apply to all lined V-CUT PCB
To avoid welding spot cracking and decreasing physical strength during cutting process.
6、 分板時PCB對準V-CUT,下刀動力作用下及手推進入切割狀態;
PCB aim at V-CUT when sub-boarding,to get into cutting process under function ofplunging cut andwheelling
guide plate in and out can ensure personal safety when cutting, work piece has great reliabity.
The machine is very applicable to cutting ofstrip light. LED,also can cutindefinite length of PCB when adding tracks.
型號 | MODEL | NLTGP-828(泛用型) |
外形尺寸(L×W×H) | Dimensions | 350×300×350(mm) |
切割速度 | Cutting speed | 0~4000(mm)/Min |
切割電機 | CuttingMotor | 1P AC220V |
電源 | Power supply | 1P AC220V 50/60HZ |
分割方式 | Segmentation approach | 直線型Straight |
PCB元件高度 | Component Height | MAX:40(mm) |
重量 | Weight | Approx.38Kg |
