產品介紹: 此機械廣泛應用於包裝牛奶、豆奶、醬油、醋、黃酒及各種液體,整個包裝過程:薄膜殺菌、制袋、打印日期、填充、封合、切斷、計數可一次性完成。熱封溫度可自動控制。包裝精美、平整,采用不銹鐵結構,符合衛生要求。 The machine is widely used in packing milk, soybean milk, beverage, sauce. Vinegar and millet wine etc with all kinds of film. the complete packing process such as ultraviolet sterilization. Bag-forming, date printing, dosing, sealing, cutting and counting can be accomplished automatically. The heat-sealing temperature is automatically controlled, machine is made of stainless iron and guarantees sanitation. 技術參數:
產品性能: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ1MDkyNjUy.html液體包裝機操作視頻
廠傢直銷,價格優惠,質量保證,售後方便。 膜寬:240/320/380mm 顧客任選一種 需要請撥:13587988559 溫小姐 詳情請登入:www.chinakano.com
這麼優惠的價格阿裡僅此一傢哦。 |
