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    商品代碼: 3560455
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    BOY已經成為鎖模力1000kN以下精密註塑機領域的專業生產商,BOY註塑機具有高精密度,堅固性,緊密設計,低耗能和懸臂雙模板鎖模單元等高優質量特點.  因為優越的高性價比,我們已經在全世界范圍內銷售瞭近45,000臺註塑機。BOY這一品牌已享譽世界達40多年。代理機構遍佈全世界70多個國傢。

    BOY公司已通過DIN EN ISO 9001:2008認證。


    除瞭生產用於熱塑加工的臥式鎖模單元標準配置註塑機, 我們還提供用於加工類似於熱固性聚合物, 橡膠, 液態矽樹脂橡膠這些特殊材料的註塑機與金屬粉末、陶瓷加工, 以及立式註塑單元註塑機.

    優化生產條件輕松對註塑機各裝置進行維護,包括:模具部分,輔助設備。 機身結構簡潔, 成品收集簡易,操作過程中簡化設置。可使用大尺寸模具BOY 註塑機的充足拉桿和模板間距, 可放入相對過大尺寸的模具。 BOY註塑機這一特點,解決瞭大多數客戶所使用模具過大的問題。


    註塑機的固定模板采用多重螺栓孔裝配的方式, 保障多種型號模具的安全安裝。



    超低能耗裝配伺服馬達泵驅動的新型BOY註塑機節能超過50%降低噪音20%僅需超低制冷量相對其他同類機器而言,BOY註塑機僅需超低制冷量, 也就是說保證瞭更短更多加工周期,同時節省制冷費用。

    BOY introduced
    Ever since the company was founded in 1968,BOY have concentrated on their strong points:Development and manufacturing of injection moulding machines within a clamping force range below 1000 kN. The result of this concentration is an extensive programme which is used in different industrial sectors for various applications.
    Thousands of customers have chosen BOY injection moulding machines. Worldwide, the robust machines are well known for their reliability, precision, and efficiency - quality “Made in Germany“.
    The current programme is characterized by a perfectly balanced design which is thought through to the most minute detail. The basis for the extra-ordinarily favourable price/performance ratio is the volume production of specialized parts.

    BOY公司已通過DIN EN ISO 9001:2008認證。


    Maximum flexibility
    No other machine design offers more freedom than the two-platen clamping system - for example the two-platen design is ideally suited for compact clean room applications,automation,and integration into production environments.
    Small footprint
    The compact design and the easy accessibility
    of all components reduce the actual space requirement by almost one-third. Therefore, more machines can be placed into a specified area.
    Optimum production conditions
    Easy access to all machine components, the mould area, and the peripheral equipment,as well as easy handling of the moulded parts reduce set-up times and simplify production and maintenance.
    Flexible mould use
    Multiple bolt-hole patterns on the fixed platen ensure a secure installation of various existing moulds.

    Large mould fixing dimensions
    BOY injection moulding machines feature top values regarding tie bar and platen distances. In most cases, moulds can be installed that exceed the values customary for the respective clamping force class by one standard mould unit.

    Intuitive control system
    Touch screen operation with graphical uidance through the menus and ultra-fast screen page construction guarantee rapid and faultless operation.

    Minimum energy consumption
    The saving potential of BOY injection moulding machines with servo-motor pump drive amounts to more than 50 percent.
    Low cooling capacity
    BOY injection moulding machines require less cooling capacity than comparable machinery. Consequently, fast cycles can be run without additional costs for cooling

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