1) 線對線安裝式插頭in-line mount plug
Part number: YS1-PxM-y (x=2~6, y=7 or 10 or Hx)
a. 2~4芯,5~6芯間以防呆角度S°不同防止誤插/ different key angle S°for different pin 2~4, pin 5~6
X (Pin) | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
S° | 135° | 180° | 90° | 180° | 90° |
b. “y”表明尾部出線孔的直徑范圍,y=7適用於線纜外徑4~7mm;y=10適用於線纜外徑7~10mm;y僅針對YS1的型號適用
“y”is for cable diameter. We provide 2 kinds termination for cable. y=7 for cable diameter 4~7mm; y=10 for cable diameter 7~10mm.
c. 對於單芯線,我們提供2~6孔的尾部附件用於密封。單芯線的外徑范圍參照下表。
For wire, we provide 2~6 hole for water-proof termination. Refer to the diameter as below:
x | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
y | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 |
Each wire diameterΦ(mm) | 3~4.1 | 3~4.2 | 2.4~3.4 | 2~2.8 | 1.4~2.1 |
料號定義舉例/part number definition sample
YS1-P2M-7 2芯線性插頭,尾部過線直徑范圍4~7mm
2pin in-line plug, with cable termination diameter 4~7mm.
YS1-P3M-H3 3芯線性插頭,尾部3孔附件,單孔過線范圍為3~4.2mm。
3pin in-line plug, with 3hole wire termination, each wire diameter 3~4.2mm.
d. 以上料號定義包含防水蓋,如果不需要防水蓋,在料號後麵加上“-XCP”
The part number definition above includes water-proof cap, if you don’t need cap, please add “-XCP”to the part number in the end.
