led植物燈(led grow light)是采用半導體照明原理,專用於花卉和蔬菜等植物生產結合高精密技術的一款植物生長輔助燈.一般室內植物花卉,會隨著時間而長勢越來越差,主要原因就是缺少光的照射,通過適合植物所需光譜的LED燈照射,不僅可以促進其生長,而且還可以延長花期,提高花的品質。進一步把這種高效光源系統應用到大棚、溫室等設施等農業生產上,一方麵可以解決日照不足導致番茄、黃瓜等大棚蔬菜口感下降的弊端,另一方麵還可以使冬季大棚茄果類蔬菜提前到春節前後上市,從而達到反季節培植的目的。
1、光譜范圍 對 植物生理的影響 (Spectral range infuence plant physiology)
280 ~ 315nm: 對形態與生理過程的影響極小 (Few influence for plant’s form and Physiological processes)
315 ~ 400nm :葉綠素吸收少,影響光周期效應,阻止莖伸長 (absorbs little Chlorophyll, influence light cycle effect, prevent stem elongation)
400 ~ 520nm(藍):葉綠素與類胡蘿卜素吸收比例最大,對光合作用影響最大 (Absorption proportion of chlorophyll and carotenoids is the largest, the biggest influence of photosynthesis)
520 ~ 610nm(綠):色素的吸收率不高 (The absorptivity of pigment is not high)
610 ~ 720nm(紅):葉綠素吸收率低,對光合作用與光周期效應有顯著影響 (Chlorophyll absorption rate low, have Significant infuence to photosynthesis and light cycle effect)
720 ~ 1000nm :吸收率低,刺激細胞延長,影響開花與種子發芽 (The absorption rate low, stimulate cell extended, influencing flowering and seed germination)
>1000nm : 轉換成為熱量 (Converted into heat)
目前,深圳市光洋洋光電科技有限公所提供的特殊波長LED ,紅色有615-620-625-630nm ,紫色有400-405-410-415-420-425-430nm .蘭色有450-455-460-465-470NM 綠色有:490-500nm 520-525NM 紅外有680-690-700NM,應用於植物燈
2、從上麵的數據來看,不同波長的光線對於植物光合作用的影響是不同的,植物光合作用需要的光線,波長在400 ~ 720nm左右。400 ~ 520nm(藍色)的光線以及610 ~ 720nm(紅色)對於光合作用貢獻最大。520 ~ 610nm(綠色)的光線,被植物色素吸收的比率很低。實驗證明:紅色光(610 ~ 720nm)大大增加植物的合作用,促進植物生長;藍色光(400 ~ 520nm)可以增強葉綠體的活動,促進植物光合作用;紫色光(300-440nm)促進植物形成色素和對磷和鋁元素的吸收,直接影響植物及果實的維生素D、角質層的形成和乾物質的積累。而在紅藍(9:1)混合光照下,生長的冬青長勢最好,不僅強壯,根系也非常發達。led植物生長燈即依照上述原理精制而成。(From the data shows above,we can see the light affect differently to the plant photosynthesis with different wave-lengths.
The light which is need for plant photosynthesis ,wave-length is around 400-720nm.400-520nm blue light and 610-720nm red light contribute the most to photosynthesis..the rate of 520-610nm green light which is absorbed by plant pigment is very low. The experiment proves that: red light of 610-720nm wavelength will greatly increase the plant photosynthesis, accelerate the plants’ growth. Blue light of 400-520nm wavelength can enhance the movements of the chloroplast, accelerate plant photosynthesis, purple light of 300-440nm wavelength accelerate the formation of pigment and the absorbtion of P and AL element, this will affect directly the plant and fruits’s vitamin D, formation of cuticula and accumulation of dry matter. But under the mix light of red and blue( 9:1), the growth will be the best, strong and also the roots grow prosperous. LED growing light is refined according to the theory mentioned above)
3、按照以上原理,植物燈基本都是做成紅藍組合、全藍、全紅三種形式,以提供紅藍兩種波長的光線,覆蓋光合作用所需的波長范圍。在視覺效果上,紅藍組合的植物燈呈現粉紅色。 (In accordance with the above principle, led grow light always combine with three forms : Red & Blue combine, full blue, full red, to provide red & blue two wavelength of light, to cover the wavelength range for photosynthesis. In the visual effect, red blue combination makes pink color effect.)
4、白光LED燈,最普遍的是使用藍色核心,激發黃色熒光粉,由此復合產生視覺上的白光效果。能量分佈上,在445nm的藍色區和550nm的黃綠色區存在兩個峰值。而植物所需的610 ~ 720nm紅光,則非常缺乏。這就解釋瞭為什麼在白光LED照射下,植物生長不利。 (White color LED light, always use blue chip/die, stimulate the yellow phosphor, thus compound produces visual effect of white light. For Energy distribution, 445 nm in the blue area and 550 nm in yellow green area exists two peak area. But the wavelength 610nm~720nm red color needed for the plants is very short)
5、植物燈的紅藍燈色譜比例一般在5:1 ~ 10:1之間為宜,通常可選7 ~ 8:1的比例。當然有條件的可根據植物生長周期調整紅色和藍色光的比例最好。(The LED grow light proportion of Red &Blue light general in 5:1 ~ 10:1 is advisable, usually choose 7:1 or 8:1 ratio. Of course the conditions can be adjusted according to the plant growth cycle choose the best proportion)
6、用植物燈給植物補光時,一般距離葉片的高度為0.5 ~ 1米 (Using the Grow light to plant light supplement, general distance above the plant 0.5~1m is the best )
LED植物燈(led grow light)的發熱量小,可接近植物補光,不造成灼傷,能夠佈置在植物行間或壟間,以最大程度的減少漏光損失,提高光效。(LED grow light heat small, can close to plant fill-in light, not cause burns, can install between the plants or ridges rows which is largest extent to reduce losses of the row, improve efficacy.
能夠根據植物不同生長時期的需要,組合LED光譜獲得純正單色光或復合波長進行補光,促進植物生長,開花、結果。(According to the needs of different plant growth period, combination LED spectrum to get pure monochromatic light or Composite wavelength for Filling light, promote plant growth, blossom and bear fruit.)
體積小、壽命長、生物能效高、節能環保和破損後沒有重金屬污染,是綠色照明光源,非常適合於綠色生產。(Small volume, long service life, high biological energy efficiency, energy conservation environmental protection and no heavy metal pollution damage, is green lighting source, which is very suitable for the green production.)
300W LED植物燈生理有效輻射能相當於HPS的800W,比傳統照明燈具節省約80%的電能,減少補光成本,經濟效益顯著。(300 W LED Grow light physiology effective radiant energy equivalent to the HPS 800 W, and save about 80% of energy than traditional lighting, reduce the cost of filling light, and the economic benefit is remarkable.)
適用環境 -40°C-70°C
Applicable: plant fill light. most suitable for photophil, fruited Lobular plants or weeds etc.
Useage: Lacking of light or mediation growing period of flower culture, vegetable planting, Grasses (aquatic) farms ect, used to fill light, Promote growth, mediation plant growth period.It is a good helper for Technology innovation!
LED Grow light can take the place of the sunshine to the flowers, fruits and vegetables, aquatic plants etc, used to promote plant come into leaf or stem, blossom and bear fruits; Promote plant photosynthesis and nutrition absorption; Adjustment of flowering, colour and lustre; Improve fruit absorbs nutrition, crop yield and quality; Maintain plant health growth state, avoid spindling or Hypoxia dwarfed.
