1、 本產品自動化程度高,性能穩定,操作簡單易懂,安全系數高,保養簡單快捷。
The products has high degree of automation,stable performance,easy to operate, high safety factor, simple in maintenance
Unique contoured shape ,Good-looking and practical.,Made by advanced coating process workmanship.
2、 切割原理是根據馬達數據轉換限位行程方式達到理想效果,
cutting principle is based ondata conversion
3、 本機適用於有V-CUT之PCB板;
This machine can apply to V-CUT PCB board
To avoid welding spot cracking and decreasing physical strength during cutting process.
PCB remains table when V-CUTTING,can make surepersonal safetywhen moving back and forth.
7、 本機采用西門子PLC控制,操作簡單,可靠性高。
The machine applies toSiemensPLC controller, easy to operate andhigh reliability
型號 | MODEL | NLTGP-828A(泛用型) |
外形尺寸(L×W×H) | Dimensions | 700×530×430(mm) |
走刀行程 | The cutting stroke | MAX:400(mm)(可選項) |
切割電機 | Motor | 1P DC24V 或步進電機(可選項) |
電源 | Power supply | 1P AC220V 50/60HZ |
分割方式 | Segmentation approach | 走刀直線型The cutting linear | |
PCB元件高度 | Component Height | MAX:40(mm) | |
重量 | Weight | Approx.58Kg |
