Hot-Plate Welding Machine Instructions
目錄Table of Contents
一:機器用途及主要技術參數Applications & Main Technical Parameters
二:機器機構Machine Construction
三:機器安裝與接線Machine Installation & Connection
四:機器操作與調整Machine Operation & Adjustment
五:機器維護與保養Machine Maintenance & Service
六:機器的故障排除Machine Troubleshooting
七:電氣圖Electrical Diagram
一:機器用途及主要技術參數Applications & Main Technical Parameters
Mainly apply to the melt and bond (heat seal) of the thermoplastic material, eg:the welding of the auto lamp housing and body.
主要技術參數:Main Technical parameters:
- 電源:AC380V/50HZ Power:AC380V/50HZ
- 工作氣壓:0.6—0.7MPa Working air pressure:0.6—0.7MPa
- 機器外形尺寸:1720*1260*2100(除氣缸外)
Machine outside measurements:1720*1260*2100(not include theair cylinder)
- 加熱控制:采用溫控機控制,熱電偶測溫,閉環控制,控制精度高。(分6組加溫,,上模1和下模為主要加溫。其他上模2-3和下模2-3為輔助加溫,主要用途模具異形溫度不準進行補充使用)
Heating Control:Operated by the temperature controller, measure the temperature
by the thermocouple, closed-loop control, with high control accuracy.(Divide into 6
groups to heating: Upper Mold 1 and Lower Mold are primary heating,other Upper
Mold 2-3 and Lower Mold 2-3 are secondary heating.Consider as the supplemental
Application when the mold abnormal and the temperature is inaccurate.
- 電氣系統控制:PLC+觸摸屏
Electric control system:PLC+ Touch Screen
- 熱模緩沖:采用雙氣缸,液壓減速使熱模退位更加平穩(緩沖阻力可根據模具重量調節)(專利審批中)
Hot-mold buffer: adopt the double cylinders,hydraulicdeceleration make the
hot-mold exit moresteady(buffer resistance can be adjusted according to the
mold weight)(under the patent examination)
- 上吸氣:采用吸氣泵,產生負壓,並自動檢測壓力大小啟動電動機(要選擇真空泵開啟)使用過程需用腳踏開關打開。每次如此(此方法可以保持真空吸力)方可控制面罩變形提高產品合格率。
Upperair inspired:generate the subatmospheric pressure by the getter
pump,automatically detecting the pressure and opening theelectric
motor(should choose the Vacuum Air Pump ON),keep the foot (pedal) switch
ON in using. Should repeat the operations every time(In order to keep the Pull
of Vacuum) to avoid the lamp cover deformation and increase the pass rate.
- 時間設定.上下模具熱熔時間均可延時設定(跟具產品設定)(0——99秒)熱熔-固化設定時間(0——99秒)
Time Fixed: could set the hot melting time(0-99 s)-Curing (0-99 s)for upper
mold and lower mold(According to the different products)
- 其他功能可根據產品要求選擇使用或不使用
Other functions are optional.
- 行程開關使用方法。The Use Method of Travel Switch
The travel switch adoptselectromagnetic system.The hot mold uses 3travel switch.(1)Tail of hot mold air cylinder{Marked as Hot Mold Initial Point}。The point must be ON before the automatic operation.If the point not come ON or fail to automatic operation,but the hot mold is ready to exit,please move the {Hot Mold Initial Point}to ON position.(2)The Middle of Hot Mold{Marked as Mold Exit Position},the travel switch acted as the mold clamping switch.Generally placed in the middle of the cylinder or forward 50-150 MM from the middle position(the specific position should be up to the exit position of the Upper & Lower Mold).(3)The Front of the Hot Mold{Marked as Hot Mold Signal}.This travel switch move the hot mold to its position,and start the hot melting of the Upper & Lower Mold.If the hot mold on its position,but the Upper & Lower Mold don't move,please move the { Hot Mold Signal} to ON position.(4) Use Method of the Upper & Lower Mold Travel Switch.The upper mold use 4 points.The No.【1】goes from the top to the bottom{Marked as Upper Mold Initial Point},The point must be ON before the automatic operation.The lower mold use 4 points.The No.【1】goes from the bottom to the top{Marked as Lower Mold Initial Point},same function with Upper Mold Initial Point.(5)The No.【2】.goes from the top to the bottom{Marked as Hot Melting Exit}.The travel switch could be set.Whenautomatic operation,the Upper Mold could travel to the position wher the hot mold could freely exit,couldn't be too low,or else the hot mold will hang on the upper mold.This point also could decelerate the Upper Mold fall down.Same function with Lower Mold【2】.(6) The No.【3】goes from the top to the bottom{Marked as Upper Mold Hot Melting}.This travel switch could control the hot melting time.The upper mold fall to the position wher the product could touch the hot mold height(Pass is OK,but the position shouldn't be higher than the mold,or else the hot melting time can't be counted.
二:機器機構Machine Construction
The machine consisted of: machine base(lathe body, upper-lower die, horizontal hot-mold plate, guide rail etc.),see figure 1; streamflow control(Solenoid Valve, Pressure Regulator Valve, Pressure Controller etc.), Heating control(Temperature Controller, Heating Pipe etc.), Electric control(PLC, Touch Screen etc.) etc.
The lathe body is made from casting iron technology, with advantages such as stable structure, small deflection, and accurate positioning; horizontal hot-mold plate adopt the double-cylinder, hydraulic buffer, to reduce the vibration of the lathe body; Pressure controller: automatic stop at the setting value if there has the subatmospheric pressure; PLC+Touch Screen: simple structure, easy maintenance.
三:機器安裝與接線MachineInstallation & Connection
Before the installation, please check whether the surface paint isscratched or not, does the equipment is damaged or not during the transportation.When installing, adjust the equipment, put on the anti-vibrationparallel,and fix the four corners.
Power supplystable,earthing normal, andSource Pressurestable.
四:機器操作與調整Machine Operation & Adjustment
Open the system power supply and heating Upper & Lower hot mold, set the temperature controller on the basis of the productprocess requirements; adjust the origin position (origin position LED ON),Upper & Lower hot moldposition according to the mold height, so operating automatically. Signal coverage can be controlled by manual operation.
具體操作:Special Operations:
- 點擊觸摸屏選擇手動運行界麵:附圖2,點擊相關的操作來檢查信號到位情況;
Click the touch screen and choose the Manual Operation:see Figure2,and click
the related operation to check the signal coverage.
- 確認後,選擇自動運行界麵:附圖3,調節相關的工藝:附圖4,等到熱膜溫度到達,就可以進行自動運行。
Click the OK, choose automaticallyOperation: see Figure 3,adjust the related
technologies:See Figure 4,when the hot-film temperature OK, it can
automatically operate.
- 設備出現故障,按急停按鈕,並檢查故障出現原因,再繼續運行。
If there has equipment fault, click theemergency stop button, and find the source
of trouble, then continue.
Warning: Do not Power ON if you don't understand the equipment
structure and operation!
五:機器維護與保養MachineMaintenance & Service
- 定期給機器個運動部件導軌加潤滑油脂,建議每天檢查一次,不足時加油脂。Regularly Add thelubricant grease on the the guide rail of machinemoving components, suggest checking everyday
- 定期清理氣動三大件,油水分離器中的油水,油霧器中補充適量機油,油麵不超過最高油位,不低於最低油位。
Regularly clean thepneumatic components, clean the grease in the water-oil separator,
supplement some engine oil to the oil fogger. The oil lever should not be above the
highest oil level and also should not be below the lowest oil level.
- 定期檢查個氣動管路,接頭是否出現破損,泄露或者杜塞情況。Regularly check thepneumatic line, make sure there has no breakage,leakage or blockage.
- 定期檢查電磁閥,磁性開關是否正常。
Regularly check the electromagnetic valve, whether the magnet switch normal or not.
- 熱板焊表麵每天必須清理乾凈,不允許有雜質和塑料焊渣,碳化物等相關物質。
Must clean the welding plate surface every day, don’t keep impurity and plastic welding
slag,carbide from the surface of the welding plate.
If the equipment seriously leak the steam or abnormally working, pleasestop the machine
immediately to check and remove the faults, then continue.
Regularly maintain the mechanical-,pneumatic- and electrical control system, suggest do
the maintenance at every two weeks.
The vacuum air pump can't be out of the fuel,suggest fuel up every week.
六:機器的故障排除Machine Troubleshooting
In case of functional fault during the running, generally, cut off the power, and check whether the air switch tripping or not.
In case of fault during the hot-melting, please check the screen display and the PLC indicator input-output signal in electric closet is normal or not, also can check the screen I/O port chamfer: see Figure 5.
七:電氣圖Electrical Diagram
參見附錄6.See theappendix 6.
Warning:there may ariseinterrupt run during the operating , which generally result from the lacking of the signal coverage.
Aeronautic Plug Wiring Diagram (16 Cores)
正 | 負 | 正 | 負 | 正 | 負 | 藍 | 紅 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
正 | 負 | 正 | 負 | 正 | 負 | 藍 | 紅 |
