Suitable for cutting tape
For example: double side tape, cloth tape, masking tape and other special tapes
※Main Motor: Cutting shaft and circular blade are driven by A.C motor with inverter control, which able to set RPM and running direction obverse/reserve on different requests.
※Central Control: Central control system is CPU, which can cut various sizes on one log roll by changing modes automatically.
※Display Mode: All functions are operated under LCD touch panel control, which is operator friendly and easy for data setting.
※Width Setting: Width setting is controlled by servomotor with ball screw and guide rails to make accuracy movement.
※Cutting System: Knife feeding is controlled by servomotor, which can do three-speed cutting.
※Knife Angle Adjustment: Cutting angle can be changed automatically for making roll surface smoothly.
※Shaft Change: Three kinds of cutting shafts for optional using on this machine, which use quick changing shaft according to different material.
選購配件Optional Parts
※安全護罩Safety Cover
※角度調整Angle Adjustment
※前後擋板Cutter Guard
※三段進刀Three Speed Cutting
※觸控顯示Touch Screen
※自動註油Automatic Fill Oil
※自動噴水Automatic Water
※圓刀驅動Blade Driving
機械制造寬度:1M-1.6M Machine Width: 1M-1.6M
最大切卷直徑:350mm Max. Cutting O.D: 350mm
切割管心外經:1"-3" Cutting Core I.D: 1"-3"
最小切卷寬度:2mm Min. Cutting Width: 2mm
