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    內蒙古錫基巴氏合金哪裡買 錫基合金的用途 錫基軸承合金價格
    商品代碼: 3431904
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。


      河南華普合金材料有限公司錫基軸承合金具有較高的耐磨性、導熱性、耐蝕性和嵌藏性,摩擦系數和熱膨脹系數小,但疲勞強度較低,工作溫度不 超過150℃,價格高。廣泛用於重型動力機械, 如汽輪機, 渦輪機和內燃機等大型機器的高速軸瓦;壓縮機、球磨機、打漿機軸承.軸瓦;軋鋼機、烘缸機、榨機軸承.軸瓦;船舶機械、化工機械、礦山機械軸承.軸瓦;減速機、泵等機械設備軸承.軸瓦;磨床支架滑塊、機械密封等用途。 鉛基軸承合金是以鉛為主要元素,為提高硬度和強度加入少量的錫、銅、銻、鎘等也是軟基體硬質點型軸承合金。常用牌zchpbsb16-16-2、20-15-1.5、10-15、15-5、1-16-1……。鉛基軸承合金的強度、硬度、耐蝕性和導熱性都不如錫基軸合金,但其成本低,高溫強度好,有自潤滑性。常用於低速、低載條件下工作的設備,如汽車、拖拉機曲軸的軸承.軸瓦;粉碎機、風機軸承.軸瓦;和電梯吊索具鋼絲繩緊固、機件空間充填……等.






      企業賬戶: 4100 1519 0100 5020 6689


      聯系電話:0371-86553988 傳真:0371-86537177

      移動電話:13938560517 聯系人:王經理

      主營產品:錫基合金 軸承合金 巴氏合金 錫銻合金 焊錫制品等。


    Henan Huapu alloy material Co., the company has complete production equipment, advanced production technology, strict testing means. Absorb the essence of the domestic industry, the introduction of advanced equipment, automatic thermostat products, casting production. Chemical synthesis; electrochemical detection integrated production process, to produce high-quality products. Babbit alloy are widely used in military, scientific research, electric power, shipbuilding, petrochemical, heavy industry and building materials machinery bearing and shaft sleeve, and can be used for wire rope reinforcement. Also used in a variety of sealing sleeve and valve, its stable performance, corrosion resistance, seismic compression, rolling unable to substitute products.


      Note: according to customer needs, all products of our company can be IPCC pollution-free packaging, in line with international cargo import and export regulations, and meet the environmental requirements of the EU directive.


      Babbit alloy processing factory Henan Huapu alloy material Co., Ltd is specialized in processing special alloy materials, products widely used in petroleum chemical industry, power plant desulfurization, aerospace, ships, machinery, electronic communications, for applications in the field of high temperature, high pressure, corrosion, wear, fatigue, creep and other use of the environment, to provide scientific solutions and excellent products and services from the view of material.


      Henan Huapu alloy material Co., Ltd. the existing vacuum melting, electroslag remelting, forging, machining, heat treatment, a full set of production line, large heat treatment furnace two, large lathe, cutting machines. Detection equipment: chemical analysis instrument, spectroscopy, ultrasonic inspection equipment.


      Henan Huapu alloy material limited company to the quality of survival, to the credibility of development! In the same quality than price, the same price than the quality of! Welcome new and old customers to visit! Negotiate!





    內蒙古錫基巴氏合金哪裡買 錫基合金的用途 錫基軸承合金價格_錫合金_有色金屬合金_冶金礦產_貨源_批發一路發
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