熱軋棒規格型號參照表 models and specifications table of hot-rolled bar
單位重量:kg/m 定尺長度:2-6m 熱軋、鍛造
unit weight:kg/m rated length:2-6m hot rolled,forging
直徑mm diameter | 重量kg/m weight | 直徑mm diameter | 重量kg/m weight | 直徑mm diameter | 重量kg/m weight | 直徑mm diameter | 重量kg/m weight | 直徑mm diameter | 重量kg/m weight |
∮8 | 0.399 | ∮32 | 6.380 | ∮80 | 38.872 | ∮145 | 130.986 | ∮230 | 329.567 |
∮10 | 0.623 | ∮35 | 7.632 | ∮85 | 45.012 | ∮150 | 140.175 | ∮240 | 358.848 |
∮12 | 0.897 | ∮38 | 8.996 | ∮90 | 50.463 | ∮155 | 149.676 | ∮250 | 389.375 |
∮14 | 1.221 | ∮40 | 9.968 | ∮95 | 56.226 | ∮160 | 159.488 | ∮260 | 421.148 |
∮15 | 1.402 | ∮42 | 10.99 | ∮100 | 62.3 | ∮165 | 169.612 | ∮270 | 454.167 |
∮16 | 1.595 | ∮45 | 12.616 | ∮105 | 68.686 | ∮170 | 180.047 | ∮280 | 488.432 |
∮18 | 2.019 | ∮48 | 14.354 | ∮110 | 75.383 | ∮180 | 201.852 | ∮300 | / |
∮20 | 2.492 | ∮50 | 15.575 | ∮115 | 82.392 | ∮185 | 215.626 | ∮350 | / |
∮22 | 3.015 | ∮55 | 18.846 | ∮120 | 89.712 | ∮190 | 224.903 | ∮400 | / |
∮24 | 3.588 | ∮60 | 22.428 | ∮125 | 97.344 | ∮195 | 236.896 | / | / |
∮25 | 3.894 | ∮65 | 26.322 | ∮130 | 105.287 | ∮200 | 249.2 | / | / |
∮28 | 4.884 | ∮70 | 30.527 | ∮135 | 113.542 | ∮210 | 274.743 | / | / |
∮30 | 5.607 | ∮75 | 35.044 | ∮140 | 122.108 | ∮220 | 301.532 | / | / |
熱軋圓棒尺寸、外形允許偏差(GB/T702-1986)Allowable tolerance of dimension and shape of hot rolled round stick
圓鋼 | 允許偏差 | ||
精度組別 | |||
1組 | 2組 | 3組 | |
5.5-7 | ±0.20 | ±0.30 | ±0.40 |
>7-20 | ±0.25 | ±0.35 | ±0.40 |
>20-30 | ±0.30 | ±0.40 | ±0.50 |
>30-50 | ±0.40 | ±0.50 | ±0.60 |
>50-80 | ±0.60 | ±0.70 | ±0.80 |
>80-110 | ±0.90 | ±1.0 | ±1.1 |
>110-150 | ±1.2 | ±1.3 | ±1.1 |
鍛制圓棒和方鋼尺寸、外形允許偏差(GB/T908-1987)Allowable tolerance of dimension and shape of forging round stick and rectangle steel
圓鋼直徑、方鋼邊長 | 允許偏差 | |
精度組別 | ||
1組 | 2組 | |
>50-60 | +1.5 -1.0 | +2.0 -1.0 |
>60-80 | +2.0 -1.0 | +2.5 -1.0 |
>80-100 | +2.5 -1.0 | +3.0 -1.0 |
>100-120 | +2.5 -1.5 | +3.0 -1.5 |
>120-140 | +3.0 -1.5 | +3.5 -1.5 |
>140-160 | +3.0 -2.0 | +4.0 -2.0 |
>160-180 | +4.0 -2.0 | +5.0 -2.0 |
>180-200 | +5.0 -2.0 | +6.0 -2.0 |
>200-220 | +5.0 -3.0 | +6.0 -3.0 |
>220-240 | +6.0 -3.0 | +7.0 -3.0 |
>240-250 | +7.0 -3.0 | +8.0 -3.0 |
