產品型號 | JT0403 |
產品規格 | 1-80mm X 500-2000mm |
產品性能 | 工作溫度-30℃-60℃;在油類(機油、柴油、汽油、潤滑油)介質中工作,具有密封性和抗膨脹性。 |
產品用途 | 用於沖制各種耐油類油封、密封件、圈,與油脂類接觸的工作臺、地麵,電子類產品場所的鋪設; |
特點 | 特殊規格與特殊技術要求的產品,根據客戶需要,為您進行配方設計,滿足您的要求;本產品獲得部優質產品獎;www.jhjtrubber.com |
包裝 | 內薄膜、外編織袋定長或定重包裝 |
Name | oil-proof rubber sheet |
Model | JT0403 |
Specification | 1-80mm X500-2000mm |
Performance | work temperature-30℃-60℃;work in the oil(engine oil,diesel,petrol and lubricant oil),with the feature of seal and anti-expansion; |
Usage | Apply to punch all kinds of anti-oil seals,airproof parts,rings and the pavement of grease touching work table,ground and electronic sites; |
Parameter | Specific Gravity:1.8;Tearing:2.5Mpa;Tension:280%;Hardness:70°±5°; |
Luster | Black,milk white,grey,red,green,blue,etc www.jhjtrubber.com |
Package | Specify the packing length and weight in the internal film and external woven bag; |
