- "馬拉松"低噪音系列發電機組
降噪音標準符合ISO3744之規定,適應城市環保要求的靜音型罩殼,可使噪音降至65-75dB以下。良好的通風系統以及防止熱輻射措施,保證瞭機組始 終工作於適宜的環境溫度。超大容量的機座油箱,可供連續運行8小時。專用的降噪音材料,極大程度的抑制機械哭噪聲。高效減震措施確保機組的平穩運行,科學 的觀察窗和緊急停機按鈕,方便操作和觀察運行狀態。具備固定防音型的全部性能優點,適用開野外作業和機動作業,論事地盤帶牽引裝置,可隨時移動及調節平 衡,尾部自帶警示燈,轉向燈,符合交通安全行駛要求。為滿足環保消噪要求,可配置加重消音器,二次循環洗音,使消音更佳。
Lower noise standards in line with ISO3774 requirements, the quiet city-type casing meeting eco-friendly requirements, make the noise down to 65-75dB; good ventilation systems and prevebtion of heat radiation measures to ensure that the unit is always working in the appropriate ambient temperature. Extra=large base tank ensure running for 8 hours; special noise reduction muffler material,which greatly inhibit the mechanical noise. efficient damping measures to ensure the smooth functioning unit. scientific observation windows and emergency stop buttons, easy operation and observe the operation status. mobile automobile chassis with low noise , transfer more convenient and reliable. Equipped with warning lamp and indication lamp for traffic transport;extra-muffler optional for more noise control.
- 靜音型圖樣:
