功能 | 灌裝、封口、計量、包裝容器成型、包裝輔助、打碼、噴碼 | 品牌 | 恆立 |
型號 | THB3-420S | 電壓 | 220(V) |
功率 | 1.2(Kw) | 包裝膜寬 | ≤300(mm) |
製成袋尺寸 | ≤180(mm) | 包裝速度 | 110(袋/分鐘) |
重量 | 300(kg) | 外形尺寸 | 650×1600×1600(mm) |
包裝材料 | 薄膜 | 包裝類型 | 袋 |
自動化程度 | 全自動 | 適用對像 | 其他 |
適用行業 | 餐飲、食品、化工、日化、醫藥、五金、機械、禮品、工藝品、其他 | 物料類型 | 顆粒 |
1、 出廠檢驗:每一產品出廠前均有專業的質量檢驗人員調試檢測合格後方能出廠。
2、 調試安裝:在客戶準備完成所需材料,並通知我廠後,我廠將在24小時內作出答覆。調試人員最快將在24小時內到達機器所在地;如交通不便或路途遙遠的,我廠人員將在72小時內到達。並調試產品。調試合格後,由客戶在《調試驗收報告》上填寫意見並簽字蓋章。
3、 操作培訓:調試人員需對客戶的操作人員進行培訓,直至操作人員可獨立操作。
4、 機器保修一年,終身維護,維修更換配件只收成本費用。
銷售部:18637315375 .QQ66582619
恆立鄭州辦事處電話:0371-68769598 ,0371-68702733。18637315375 , 15538103608,15538328707
THB3-320S技術參數與外形尺寸 | |||
包裝速度(包/分鐘) | 50-110 | 薄膜最大寬度(mm) | 300 |
制袋尺寸(mm) | L:50-180 W:40-140 | 使用電壓(VAC) | 220(或380) |
卷茼紙最大外徑(mm) | ≤Φ400 | 整機重量(kg) | 300 |
總功率(kw) | 1.2 | 外形尺寸(mm) | 650×1600×1600 |
包裝膜厚度(mm) | 0.03-0.10 | 計量範圍 | 人工放料 |
Features: electromechanical machine is set in one, two cpu computer control system, full Chinese display, microcomputer control optical tracking correcting system, equipped with high-precision stepper motor, precise design of each bag in the same position, the control system to complete the wholemachine synchronization, length, orientation and speed, CNC cutter adjustable 2-99 automatic counting off the bag, and can automatically diagnose function.Coder and choose equipped with inflatable devices.
Performance: The mechanism of bags, counting, sealing, cutting out a series of moves are finished automatically.Configuration sub-feed conveyor, designed for manual discharge.
Uses: Suitable for non-stick nature of the preserved fruits, candy packaging materials and other large particles.
Packaging: picture for pillow back cover, you can choose three sides sealing, four sides sealing or triangle packing
THB3-320S Technical Data Dimensions and Shape
Packaging speed (bag / min) maximum width 50-110 film (mm) 300
Bag size (mm) L :50-180
W :40-140 Voltage (VAC) 220 (or 380)
Largest diameter roll of paper garland (mm) ≤ Φ400 Weight (kg) 300
Total power (kw) 1.2 Overall dimension (mm) 650 × 1600 × 1600
Packaging film thickness (mm) 0.03-0.10 range of manual discharge measurement
The above parameters can be appropriately changed according to customer requirements
1、微電腦自動控制 ,大屏幕觸摸式人機界面,參數設定方便快捷;
生產能力 200-600粒/分
包裝物規格(mm) 長:10-30 寬:10-30 厚:4-25
包裝膜寬 ≤180 mm
外形尺寸(L×W×H) 3600×1100×1500 mm
電 源 380V/50HZ
總功率 4.5kw
總重量 800kg
TH-898Full-Automation packaging
1)Features and usage:
It is a high speed packaging machine for all kinds of variant candy such as square, ball, round, column, button, ellipse and regular piece candy
1. Cell-computer automatic controlling ,big-scree touch-type interface easy and quick setting and operation.
2. Automatic feeding, high production efficiency
3. Servomotor is continuous compensating ,the bag-length setting is easy adjusted in a step, saving time and film,the pack sealing is airproof and the appearance is handsome.
Packaging speed (pcs/minute): 200-600
Candy size (mm): length:10-50; width:10-30; height:4-25
Bag length (mm): 45-80 or 60-100
Film width (mm): Max .180
Dimension (mm): 3200*1200*1500(L*W*H)
Voltage (V): 400
Total power (kw): 4
