
  • PM-2133-160-CAN3相智能電量采集模塊(0~100A),支持CAN總線
    商品代碼: 3321207
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    聯系電話:021-6043 88086998 8637




    泓格科技成立於1993年,以PC based I/O卡為最初的研發產品線,1998年我們認為嵌入式控制器極具未來性,所以整個研發重心移到瞭各種嵌入式控制器,遠程I/O模塊等產品線。經過多年的努力經營,目前在中國市場,我們已經站穩PAC產品領跑者的地位。






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    It's always difficult but crucial to the supervisors to figure out how much energy is consuming. ICP DAS brings the most powerful, cost effective, advanced Compact Power Meters, PM-2133 series, to the markets.

    With its high accuracy (1%, PF=1), the PM-2133 series products can be applied both on low voltage primary side and/or medium/high voltage secondary side and enable the users to obtain in real time the reliable and accurate energy consumption readings from the monitored equipments while in operation. These compact size and cost effective Power Meters are equipped with revolutionary wired clip-on CT (various types support input current up to 200A) and standard Modbus communication RS-485 protocol for easy deployment. It works with input voltages ranging 10V ~ 500V, supporting a wide range of applications.

    ICP DAS offers PM-2133 family in a full range Three-phase compact power meters for power monitoring. The products offer a rich feature set combined with easy-to-integrate communications.PM-2133-100_me01


    The PM-2133-CAN series power meter provides the CAN bus interface for users to easily gather the real-time power consumption information in their CAN applications. The PM-2133-CAN provides the Auto-Response mode which responses messages at regular intervals automatically. It makes the communication more efficient when collecting a lot of remote power information. The polling mode offers the precise information of every step required by the monitors. In addition, the PM-2133-CAN also owns the arbitration mechanism which can avoid data collision and error detection.
    CAN bus Features
    • NXP TJA1042 CAN transceiver
    • Follow CiA CAN 2.0B specification
    • Support Auto-Response mode and Polling mode
    • Support baud rate 125 kbps, 250 kbps and 500 kbps
    • Support up to 255 nodes on the CAN network
    • 2500 Vrms isolation on CAN port.
    • 4 kV ESD protection on CAN port.
    • CAN bus provides better capability in noise suppression
    • Support arbitration mechanism to avoid collision.
    • Support error detection and error correction on CAN bus.
    PAC based Solution
    The PAC family of ICP DAS is a modular network-based PAC with the capability of connecting I/O either through its own dual backplane bus or alternatively through remote I/O units and remote I/O modules. Applying the PM-2133-CAN into the PAC based system, the user could use the CAN converter or CAN module. Nowadays, the user has better choice. The user could use I-8120W with power meter firmware inside. The power meter firmware manages all the PM-2133-CAN power meters and collects all power data automatically. We provide the development API and the management utility which is shown as the following picture.
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    PC based Solution
    ICP DAS has been developing various CAN products for several years, including PCI interface, converter, uPAC and slot module CAN products. In addition, we can provide CAN bus solution for our customers. Applying the PM-2133-CAN into the PC based system, the user could use general CAN converter or PCI CAN boards. Nowadays, the PISO-CM100U with power meter firmware inside would be the better choice. The power meter firmware manages all the PM-2133-CAN power meters and collects all power data automatically. We provide the development API and management utility which is shown as the following picture.
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    The PM-2133-CPS series power meter provides the CANopen interface for users to easily gather the real-time power consumption information in their CANopen applications. The PM-2133-CPS can be used as CANopen slave device. It provides SDO and PDO objects to response the data measured by the power meter. Users also can use PDO event timer to make PDO automatically transmitted. In addition, the PM-2133-CPS also owns the arbitration mechanism which can avoid data collision and error detection.
    CANopen Features
    • NXP TJA1042 CAN transceiver
    • Follow CANopen DS-301 specification
      • NMT: Slave
      • NMT Error Control: Node Guarding and Heartbeat Consumer
      • No. Of SDO: 1 Server
      • No. Of PDO: 20 TxPDO, 0 RxPDO
      • PDO Mode: Event Timer, Remotely Requested, Cyclic and Acyclic SYNC
    • Support baud rate 10 kbps, 20kbp, 50 kbps, 125 kbps, 250 kbps, 500 kbps, 800 kbps and 1000 kbps
    • Support up to 127 nodes on the CANopen network
    • 2500 Vrms isolation on CAN port.
    • 4 kV ESD protection on CAN port.
    Input Voltage10 - 500 V
    Input CurrentCT Φ10 mm (60 A), CT Φ16 mm (100 A), CT Φ24mm (200 A)
    Aux PowerDC +10 ~ +30 V
    Frequency60/50 Hz
    Starting I<0.025A
    Wiring diagramAuto or manual stting 1P2W-1CT, 1P3W-2CT, 3P3W-2CT, 3P3W-3CT, 3P4W
    Power Parameters MeasuresVA, VB, VC, Vave
    I A, I B,I C, I ave
    kWA, kWB, kWC, kWtot
    kVAA, kVAB, kVAC, kVAtot
    kvarA, kvarB, kvarC, kvartot
    PFA, PFB, PFC, PFtot
    kWhA , kWhB, kWhC, kWhtot
    kVAhA , kVAhB, kVAhC, kVAhtot
    kvarhA , kvarhB, kvarhC, kvarhtot
    RS485, half duplex isolated
    Baud Rate:9600, 19200(default), 38400

    Protocol:CAN bus
    Baud Rate:125 k(default),250 k,500 k,1000 k

    Baud Rate: 10 k,20 k,50 k 125 k(default),250 k,500 k,800 k,1000 k
    kWh Accuracy1%(PF=1)
    Dimension78(L) × 35(W) × 99(H) mm
    Operating Temperature-10 °C ~ 70 °C
    PM-2133: 3 Phase Compact Smart Meter
    *CT number: 3CT's
    100: CTΦ10 mm (0 ~ 60 A)160: CTΦ16 mm (0 ~ 100 A)
    240: CTΦ24 mm (0 ~ 200 A) 
    Modbus RTU Series
    PM-2133-1003 Phase Compact Smart Meter /CT:3pcs,Φ10mm(0-60A)/English
    PM-2133-1603 Phase Compact Smart Meter /CT:3pcs,Φ16mm(0-100A)/English
    PM-2133-2403 Phase Compact Smart Meter /CT:3pcs,Φ24mm(0-200A)/English
    CAN Bus Series (~ NEW ~)
    PM-2133-100-CAN3 Phase Compact Smart Meter /CT:3pcs,Φ10mm(0-60A)/English /CAN bus , Modbus RTU
    PM-2133-160-CAN3 Phase Compact Smart Meter /CT:3pcs,Φ16mm(0-100A)/English /CAN bus , Modbus RTU
    PM-2133-240-CAN3 Phase Compact Smart Meter /CT:3pcs,Φ24mm(0-200A)/English /CAN bus , Modbus RTU
    CANopen Series (~ NEW ~)
    PM-2133-100-CPS3 Phase Compact Smart Meter /CT:3pcs,Φ10mm(0-60A)/English /CANopen , Modbus RTU
    PM-2133-160-CPS3 Phase Compact Smart Meter /CT:3pcs,Φ16mm(0-100A)/English /CANopen , Modbus RTU
    PM-2133-240-CPS3 Phase Compact Smart Meter /CT:3pcs,Φ24mm(0-200A)/English /CANopen , Modbus RTU













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