HUA194E 系列機表是針對電力系統,工礦企業,公用設施,智能大廈的電力監控需求而設計的。它可以高精度的測量所以常用的電力參數,如三相電壓,三相電流,有功功率,無功功率,頻率,功率因數,四象限電能等采用可視度高的LED來顯示機表測量的參數和電網系統運行信息,機表而板帶有編程按鍵,用戶可以現場方便地實現顯示功換,機表參數程設置等,具有很強的靈活性。
HUA194E 系列機表有多種擴展模塊可供先擇;RS485的數字接口可實現機表組通訊功能:2路電能脈沖輸出功能。

華偉機器機表有限公司(原華星機表廠)是樂清電工機表協會會員之一 的企業,是專業制造店裡系統中各類安裝式、指針電測量機表/數顯電測量機表 /電流互感器及各種工業過程參數測控機表產品的企業。
我們的宗旨是:誠信,讓客戶滿意!Huawei instrument co., LTD. (former huanan star instrument and meter plant) is one of yueqing electrical instrument association member
Enterprises, is specialized in manufacturing shop system in all kinds of electrical measuring instrument installation type, pointer/digital display electric measurement instrument/ current transformer and all kinds of industrial process parameters measurement and control instrumentation products.
Companies rely on innovation in time, and always pay attention to product quality and the prestige, quality first, service to
On, under the guidance of the leading technology of the enterprise purpose, excellence, long-term focus on measuring instructions and control
Instrument of unemployment, to provide users with satisfactory service and excellent products, deeply trusted by the user.
We have enough ability to customize special function pointer table and digital display instrument.
Our goal is: precision, the pursuit of perfection!
Our aim is: integrity, customer satisfaction!
