Locks DD 37 Drawing & Stamping Oil
洛斯DD 37拉軋油
Locks DD 37is a high viscosity highly chlorinated lubricant, which offers excellent lubricity and extreme pressure properties. This is a product specially designed for difficult forming operations of hard materials, such as carbon steel, stainless steel and high nickel steel. Locks DD 37is suitable for the heavy-duty wire and tube drawing, deep drawing and forming. Locks DD 37is also used in stamping, blanking, shearing and nibbling.
洛斯DD 37是高黏度及高度氯化的潤滑劑,提供極佳的潤滑及極壓性,是特別為難加工材料的嚴苛操作而研製,包括碳鋼、不銹鋼、高鎳鋼等材料的高難度管及線拉製、深拉、成型等。還可使用在共他一般用途,例如沖壓、模沖、沖剪和步衝輪廓等工序。
Benefits (效益):
l Improve surface finishing by excellent lubrication and reducing heat.
l Prolong tool life.
l Contains effective additives to enhance oxidation stability and rust prevention properties.
l Good reduction ratio.
l Removed by detergent and solvent cleaner easily.
Technical Properties (技術資料):
Method 測試標準 | Test 測試 | Unit 單位 | Typical 結果 |
D4052 | Density密度@15℃ | kg/l | 1.12 |
D445 | Kinetic Viscosity黏度@40℃ | cSt | 400 |
