IXPE泡棉作膠帶基材,可廣泛應用於電子、醫療、汽車等行業。其具有泡孔均勻細膩、強韌有繞性、吸水性小、耐熱壓、不易脫落、拉力強度高、防黴變和耐各種化學制劑腐蝕性能強等特質,是符合環保標準特性功能性材料。 常用泡棉膠帶基材規格及性能指標參考數據如下
Using IXPE as the main raw material to process with the high technology, which makes the product have better performance: smooth surface, soft, waterproof, moisture insulation, excellent anti-aging and corrosion-resistant chemical, good memory resilience, good column stability of the muffler and advanced damping. This material are widely used in interior decoration, construction, insulation, industrial, packaging, sports and so on. It’s the green material are widely accepted by the world. The bellowing is the product types and specifications for you kind reference
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