我廠專業生產美容工具,如:腳板銼,韓國拋光條,拋光塊,韓國海棉銼,韓國豆腐塊,砂銼,植毛刷,腳刨,玻璃銼,分指器,美容鉗,死皮鉗,指甲銼,美容剪,眉夾,睫毛夾,一字剪,美容套裝等,可按客人樣做,也可以印Logo,詳細請詢問廠傢。電話:13622911635,0662-3518681,E_mail:[email protected]
Our factory is specialized in beauty tools, such as foot file, nail buffer of Korea, nail buffer, sponge file of Korea, sanding block of Korea, nail file, dusting brush, corn cutter, glass nail file, toe separator, nipper, sapphier, Scissor, Tweezer, Eyelash curler, nail clipper, pedicure ,tip cutter and manicure set. can becustomizedby customers and print logo. detail ask for us.
Telephone:13622911635,0662-3518681,E_mail:[email protected]
Item No:OBT031
