造型是否卡通、動漫: | 是 | 產品類別: | 音箱泰迪熊玩具 |
貨號: | 30cm毛絨玩具 | 規格: | 定制毛公仔 |
材質: | 毛絨 | 毛絨分類: | 短毛絨 |
是否填充: | 是 | 填充材質: | PP棉 |
是否電動: | 否 | 是否靜態展示: | 是 |
是否多功能: | 否 | 是否充氣: | 否 |
是否能夠DIY: | 否 | 控制方式: | 智能毛絨玩具 |
適用年齡: | 0-3歲、3-7歲 | 包裝方式: | 白盒 |
產地: | 廣東深圳吉美菲玩具 | 是否提供加工定制: | 是 |
加工方式: | 來圖定制 | 是否外貿: | 否 |
聲明:本公司所有圖片僅供公司實物拍 攝,供大家參考,不能依此下單,如需訂做玩具可以來電或者E-mail,或者來圖 打樣!QQ:133110283 TEL:13902967443 洪生E-mail:
[email protected](#替換@)網址:www.szjmf.com ========產品描述======== 名稱:幼教玩具品質:上等品 供應地:深圳 特性:毛絨制品填充物:PP棉 規格:自定義 ========產品大圖 ======== 芝麻街-嬰兒艾魔 嬰兒玩具—吊飾系列 嬰兒玩具—安娜女孩 嬰兒玩具—字母系列 嬰兒玩具—形狀系列 嬰兒玩具—人形系列 嬰兒玩具—動物系列=====吉美菲公司簡介======= 本公司為國內獨立生產型企業公司。在幾年來的發展歷程中,承蒙各界人士的關 心與支持,不斷增資擴大技術改良,產量逐年遞增,本廠擁有先進的生產設備, 專業的技術人員,有規范的現代管理營銷模式,有嚴密的生產管理,得以保證本 企業的經營運作長期穩定,向良性發展。款式、設計新穎大方,做工精細,可按 客戶圖樣、實樣制作各款玩具,產品出口歐美、英國、日本等國家與地區。現有4條車縫生產線,3條手縫生產線。固定生產設備有:63”裁床機3臺、松棉 機1臺、充棉機2臺、空壓機3臺、平車120臺、過 針機2臺、500千瓦發電機1臺。擁有固定員工280人。管理機構有:人力資源部 、工程部、采購部、生產部、品控部。本企業以誠信為原則 ,歡迎各地商家來電來函聯系業務,我們將提高質量和快捷的服務與之合作。 Our company is a domestic independent of production-oriented enterprise.Thanks for all level of society"s care and support, and continously expand the technology is improved replenishment, our production increased year after year.our factory has advanced production equipment, profeesional technical person,modern sales and management systerm and also the strict production managment, all of these ensure us to have a longterm and stable bussiness. our modern design toy-like products which also include the one make out according to the customer drawing or samples were exported to Europe , USA, British and Japan so on. Now we have 4 sewn existing production lines, three hand-stitched line. Fixed production equipment includes: 63 "cutting machines 3 sets of loose cotton one Taiwan, filling machine and two sets, air compressor 3 sets of flat car 120 units, the needle machine 2 sets, 500 kW generator 1 set. we have staff about 280 people. Regulatory agencies are: human resources, engineering, purchasing department, production department, quality control department.The principle of good faith is the basic to this company, welcome contact us about business , we will enhance the quality and efficient services to cooperate with it. ===公司資質(ISO9001:2008)(CCC認證)=== ===生產流程實景照(Vitual Photo Of Production Process)=== 設計 制作玩具樣品(Designing) 工作室(Working-Room) 裁剪室(Cutting Room) ; ; & ;nbs p; 熱裁室(Hot Melt Room) 繡花室(Embroiders Room) ; ; 繡花室(Embroiders Room)備注:我公司提供所有圖片,只供參考,不做銷 售,如有需要的可以來圖打樣,訂做!聯系方式QQ:133110283 TEL:13902967443 洪生E-mail:jmfhong#foxmail.com(#替換@)網址:www.szjmf.com