地 址 :廣州市白雲區石井鎮鴉崗錦文工業大樓
張先生:13502575387 020-62739158
Q Q:553062409
網 址 :http://shop1370490881478.1688.com
公司簡介 | ||||
廣州市首信電器有限公司是一傢專業的研發,設計,生產,銷售為一體的公司。實力雄厚,主要研發電子產品:空調,壓縮機,液晶電視機以及系列電子產品,該集團總部在香港:首信電器(香港)實業集團有限公司,下屬公司遍佈廣州珠三角,北京,上海及各大城市。其中移動DVD,數位產品生產基地坐落在深圳市寶安區東財工業園。 該集團自成立以來,以人為本,以高端的技術為發展核心,追求卓越,環保世界是實現目標。 當然今天的輝煌成就,是離不開公司的精英與骨乾們的共同努力,是他們用多年來的心血和汗水換來的碩果;這一切都來之不易,不過我們欣慰的是,能與世界各地的朋友共同分享碩果,此時我們感到更開心! 在今後的日子裡,本公司用最優質的產品來奉獻每一位客戶,用最高端的技術來回報社會,這才是發展意義的心聲!期望與世界各地的朋友攜手共創美好的明天! Guangzhou Shouxin Appliances Co.,Ltd.is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design,development,production and sales of LCD TV,CRT TV,TV SKD,air-conditioner,cellphone and a series of electronic products.The headquarter of our company is located in HongKong:SHOUXIN APPLIANCES GROUP(HK) LIMITED,its subordinate company throughout Guangdong Pearl River Delta,Beijing,Shanghai and all other big cities.Among of them,manufacturing base of portable DVD and Digital production is located in Dongcai industrial District Baoan Sector,Shenzhen. Since the establishment of our company,it adheres to the development core of “people-oriented and high-end technology”.Our goal is striving for excellence,and making the world pollution-free. Certainly,today’s brilliant achievements are joint efforts that can not get away from the elite and backbone in the company,they are using years of effort and sweat to get this great achievements,all is hara-won.However,to our delight,we can share our great achievements with friends from all over the world. In the following days,our company will dedicate the most high-quanlity products to every customer and high-end technology to respond the society,this is our heartfelt wishes of development.We are looking forward to creating better future together with customers from all over the world.
