
  • 特價批發供應工業用二手脫水機 塑料回收擠出造粒設備 優質甩乾機
    商品代碼: 3179649
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。



          我公司創建於2000年,位於有世界工廠之稱的廣東珠三角地區的惠州,是一傢再生塑膠生廠廠傢,主要廠品有工程塑料-pa再生膠粒。公司廠房麵積4000平方米,有塑料再生設備多套。公司經過多年的成廠經營,積累瞭相對成熟的尼龍再生顆粒的生產經驗,以更低的價格更優的質量為綜旨。歡迎各橡塑界朋友蒞臨指導、參觀和業務洽談。 公司秉承“顧客至上,銳意進取”的經營理念,堅持“客戶第一”的原則為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。歡迎惠顧! 

       Our company founded in 2000, located at had name of Industrial workshop of the world Guangdong Zhujiang Delta area Huizhou, was one regenerates the revertex to live the factory, the main factory had the engineering plastics - pa regeneration colloidal particle. The company plant area 4000 square meters, have the plastic regenerative equipment multi-wraps. The company passed through many year Cheng Chang to manage, gained in the relatively mature nylon regeneration pellet production experience, take a lower price more superior quality as synthesis aim. Welcome various oaks to model the friend to visit the instruction, the visit and the service discussion. The company receives “the customer to be supreme, goes all out” the management idea, insisted “customer first” the principle provides the high quality service for the general customers. Welcome your help!



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    特價批發供應工業用二手脫水機 塑料回收擠出造粒設備 優質甩乾機_二手洗滌設備_整熨設備洗滌設備_機械設備_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i