
  • 現在位置: 首頁 » 貨源 » 電子元器件 » 傳感器 » 霍爾傳感器 »
    供應 高靈敏度全極性微功耗霍爾、YH4913、霍爾元件
    商品代碼: 3147474
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    加工定制:是 品牌:SZYHM 型號:YH4913
    種類:霍爾 材料:混合物 材料物理性質:半導體
    材料晶體結構:單晶 制作工藝:集成 輸出信號:開關型
    防護等級:A 線性度:100(%F.S.) 遲滯:10(%F.S.)
    重復性:0(%F.S.) 靈敏度:50 漂移:0

     Low Power Hall Switch YH4913


    The YH4913 omnipolar Hall effect sensor IC is fabricated from mixed signal CMOS
    technology .It ncorporates advanced chopper-stabilization techniques to provide accurate

    and stable magnetic switch points.

         The circuit design provides an internally controlled clocking mechanism to cycle

    power to the Hall element and analog signal processing circuits. This serves to place

    the high current-consuming portions of the circuit into a “Sleep” mode. Periodically the

    device is “Awakened” by this internal logic and the magnetic flux from the Hall element

    is evaluated against the predefined thresholds. If the flux density is above or below the

    Bop/Brp thresholds then the output transistor is driven to change states accordingly.

    While in the “Sleep” cycle the output transistor is latched in its previous state. The

    design has been optimized for service in applications requiring extended operating

    The output transis or of the YH4913 will be latched on (Bop) in the presence

    of a sufficiently strong South or North magnetic field facing the marked side of the

    package. The output will be latched off (Brp) in the absence of a magnetic field.


         2.4V-5.5V battery operation

          High sensitivity and high stability of the magnetic switching

          High resistance to mechanical stress

         Digital output signal

         Switching for both poles of a magnet (omnipolar)

    供應 高靈敏度全極性微功耗霍爾、YH4913、霍爾元件_霍爾傳感器_傳感器_電子元器件_貨源_批發一路發
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