品牌:CMU | 型號:CMUcam2 PLUS | 種類:聲波 |
制作工藝:集成 | 輸出信號:數字型 |
特色 :這是最新一代的CMUcam2, 低售價, 功能性高的影像處理器; 可以輸出壓縮影像, 也可以給你影像原始的Raw Data, 讓你隨心所欲發揮 !!使用SX52微處理器, 搭載OV6620 Omnivision CMOS camera, 可大幅減少開發影像處理的時間。CMUcam2和CMUcam2+的重要差異性 :
Thinner profile
- 15% lighter weight
- Uses only the more capable OV6620 camera*
- No level-shifter on board for more efficient connection to +5V controllers
- Minimal packaging: does not include printed manual, AC adapter, or CD-ROM
- Different connector arrangement with horizontal pins for easier stacking
與PC RS232(串列介麵)使用時, 需使用一個RS232 To TTL的介麵轉換器(類似MAX232)
CMUcam2+ 具有下列功能 :
Track user-defined colors at up to 50 frames Per Second (FPS) -- 顏色(色彩)追蹤,每秒可達50張
- Track motion using frame differencing at 26 FPS -- 運動追蹤, 每秒可達26張
- Find the centroid of any tracked data -- 移動物體偵測
- Gather mean color and variance information -- 平均色與色差辨識功能
- Gather a 28 bin histogram of each color channel
- Manipulate horizontally pixel-differenced images
- Transfer a real-time binary bitmap of the tracked pixels in an image -- 即時2進位影像(像素)資料輸出
- Arbitrary image windowing -- 隨意影像視窗變化
- Adjust the camera's image properties -- 影像特質調整
- Dump a raw image (single or multiple channels)
- Up to 160 X 255 resolution -- 影像解析
- Supports multiple baudrates --115,200 57,600 38,400 19,200 9,600 4,800 2,400 1,200
- Control 5 servo outputs -- 一次控制五個伺服機
- Automatically use servos to do two axis color trace