品牌:PerkinElmer | 型號:PYD1978 | 種類:熱敏 |
材料:混合物 | 制作工藝:探頭 | 輸出信號:數字型 |
PYD1978 輸出數字信號
The DigiPyro® PYD 1978 is a dual-element pyrodetector from PerkinElmer’s successful digital motion detection product range.
Fully RoHS-compliant, it has a 3 x 4 mm2 window size, providing a standard digital solution to motion detection.
The DigiPyro® line offers the benefits of a standard three-pin TO-5 metal housing and has low EMI sensitivity.
Applications for the DigiPyro® products include: Intrusion alarm, motion-activated light switches, and door openers.
