加工定制:否 | 品牌:TFY | 類型:UV紫外線燈管 |
玻殼型式:短管 | 額定電壓:220V/380V | 額定功率:1-8KW |
防護等級:一級 |

Iodine gallium lamp (exposing lamp)
The iodine gallium lamp serial products, is one new metal halogenide lamp, in has the gallium halogenide sufficiently, in ge arc's high temperature region, these materials, specially the gallium in the bluish violet light region radiation strong characteristic spectrum, occupies the visible light 67%, the light spectral line has the rich radiation in the 3000A-4500A scope, the peak value spectral line is 4200A, this lamp is suitable specially in printing puts down India, raised India, the PS version to expose to the sun the version, similarly is suitable for the product label, the printed circuit version exposes to the sun the version and so on. It has the spectrum stably, to expose to the sun the version time to be short, the service life long, consumes the electricity few and so on merits
