加工定制:否 | 品牌:格維特 | 型號:GC600/230A1 |
類型:高壓鈉燈 | 燈頭型號:E40 | 額定電壓:220(V) |
玻殼型式:T | 壽命:32000(h) | 額定功率:600(W) |
格維特溫室植物生長補光燈www.gavitachina.com,作為全球頂級的專業溫室大棚植物生長補光燈企業,同時格維特也是國傢農業部認可的溫室補光燈行業最具代表性品牌企業。提供溫室補光系統設計,全系列植物補光燈產品,植物補光專業咨詢。格維特以頂級產品與服務,為中國設施農業發展盡心盡力,與業界同仁攜手共進。適用於玻璃連棟溫室、日光溫室、蔬菜花卉種植、育苗等。郵箱:[email protected],電話:010-68716802,18611221848。(格維特補光專利產品,仿冒必究)
Rooted in Europe, Flourishing in China---GAVITA CHINAwww.gavitachina.com
In 1986, GAVITA introduced their first series of horticultural lighting fixtures in Europeanmarket, which
were accepted easily by the consumers as a sound, proven product for its reliable quality. In 1994, GAVITA
set up branch company in Netherlands. In 2002, again broadened it's global reach by opening branch company
in Canada, successfully offers plantgrow lamp fixtures specifically for the North America market. In 2011,
GAVITA set up Beijing Sales Center, and in Zhengzhou the Logistics and Product Supporting Center, to supply
China markethorticultural lighting plant grow light bulb fixtures and render relevant services.
GAVITA has developed into one of the leading authorities in the area of horticultural assimilation lighting
worldwide. Working closely together with our customers and listening to their requests is how GAVITA has
achieved this. GAVITA holds the wishes of our customers in the highest regard. improve existing products and
introduce new products, incorporating the newest technologies available.
At GAVITA, customers service is our highest priority. For our customers, we offer sound advice in the field
of plant grow light bulb for vegetable and flower planting. We offer lighting layouts based on each
customer 's needs, to be sure that our customers agricultural plant grow light bulb systems arerunning as
efficient as possible.
