加工定制:否 | 品牌:MARTOYO | 型號:PHB10 |
防護等級:IP65 | 光源類型:金屬鹵素燈 | 光源功率:250/400(W) |
電壓:220(V) | 主要適用范圍:廣告、大廈外景、體育館等戶外照明 |
一.材質特性: Material and characteristic: 1燈具防護級IP65,1級電氣絕緣保護. Lamp protection class IP65, 1 the class .electricity insulates the protection. 2該產品已獲四項專利. That product has got four patents. 3優質鋁壓鑄成型麵框. The high-quality aluminum die-castings to model the frame. 4.進口陽極氧化鋁反光器,光效更好. importing the anode oxidizes the aluminum reflection machine, the light effect is better. 5.4mm厚鋼化玻璃. Thick steel turns the glass. 6.外置接線盒. Place to connect outside line box. 7.可選擇對稱、非對稱配光. The eligibility chooses symmetry, not symmetry goes together with the light. 二.防護等級:IP 65 Protection class: IP65 三.適用場所: Usage place: 廣告、大廈外景、體育館等戶外照明. Advertise, mansion outdoor scene, outdoor lighting in etc. in gymnasium.