加工定制:是 | 型號:5mm單白燈串 | 品牌:長華光顯 |
類型:廣告牌燈 | 光源類型:廣告燈 | 光源功率:0.1w(W) |
電壓:5V(V) | 外形尺寸:5mm(mm) | 主要適用范圍:廣告燈、發光字、大型亮化工程 |
平均使用壽命:4-5年 | 節能等級:強 | 發光原料:晶元芯片 |
1、 用錫焊把連接線和燈管直接固定後直接註塑成型,不良概率為千分之一。
2、 特殊卡口設計,打孔後直接安裝,不需安任何特殊工具,也不需要復雜的技術,安裝簡單、迅速。
3、 針對戶外使用特點,采用臺灣大尺寸LED芯片,光照強、衰減低!
4、 燈外殼采用高強PVC材料註塑成型,產品100%防水、耐高溫,保證產品的戶外使用!
5、 采用單燈配單電阻雙線進出的接線方法,單顆可獨立亮燈、剪斷,打破傳統“一燈不亮,全燈皆不亮”的缺點!
6、 特有的20顆或50顆一串的超長燈串設計,不需要懂電路,不需要懂防水工藝。
7、 LED燈可前後取出,壞一顆換一顆,有別與同類產品壞一顆換一串,讓維護變得簡單。
Chuanghua lamp light source appears with words of luminous intensity big, color is pure, energy saving, convenient installation, maintenance, longevity and simple, etc. widely applied in all kinds of metal and various light shine of the word. 
HanBa connections and tubes with tin directly fixed directly after injection molding, the probability of adverse thousandth. After boling combined special design, installation, direct don’t need any special tools, no need for complicated technology,easy installation, quickly.for outdoor use features, and the Taiwan high power LED chip, light intensity, low attenuation!lamps shell adopts high intensity PVC material molding, product 100% waterproof, high temperature resistant, guarantee the products of outdoor use. The single lamp with single and double resistance, a single wiring method can be independent lights, cut, break traditional”at the bright lights, is not bright”fault! Autochthonic endemic 20 or 50 a string of ultra-long lamp series, do not need to understand circuit design, do not need to understand every word, waterproof technology needs only a few connector, single lamp can be independent connection. LED lamp can be removed, and a bad one change, has a similar products in a string of bad ,easy maintenance.

