加工定制:是 | 型號:CN-PT10-BL08-H | 防護等級:IP22 |
光源類型:LED | 光源功率:8(W) | 品牌:嘉尼 |
電壓:220(V) | 主要適用范圍:適用於室內種植植物補光 | 波長:450-460nm |
使用壽命:30000小時 | 長度:60cm |
200 - 280 nm | UVC ultraviolet range which is extremely harmful to plants because it is highly toxic. UVC紫外線范圍是対植物極其有害的,因為它是劇毒 |
280 - 315 nm | Includes harmful UVB ultraviolet light which causes plants colors to fade. 包括有害的紫外線B紫外線光,導致植物的顏色褪色。 |
315 - 380 nm | Range of UVA ultraviolet light which is neither harmful nor beneficial to plant growth. 長波紫外線范圍既不是有害的,也不利於植物生長。 |
380 - 400 nm | Start of visible light spectrum. Process of chlorophyll absorption begins. UV protected plastics ideally block out any light below this range. 可見光光譜的開始。葉綠素吸收過程起點。紫外線形成理想保護,阻擋任何低於這個范圍光線。 |
400 - 520 nm | This range includes violet, blue, and green bands. Peak absorption by chlorophyll occurs, and a strong influence on photosynthesis. (promotes vegetative growth) 此范圍包括紫,藍,綠波段。葉綠素吸收峰發生,對光合作用強烈的影響。 (促進營養生長) |
520 - 610 nm | This range includes the green, yellow, and orange bands and has less absorption by pigments. 這個范圍包括綠色,黃色,和橙色帶,並減少色素吸收。 |
610 - 720 nm | This is the red band. Large amount of absorption by chlorophyll occurs, and most significant influence on photosynthesis. (promotes flowering and budding) 這是紅色帶。出現葉綠素大量吸收,以及最顯著影響光合作用。(促進開花和現蕾) |
720 - 1000 nm | There is little absorption by chlorophyll here. Flowering and germination is influenced. At the high end of the band is infrared, which is heat. 此波段葉綠素小量吸收。影響開花,發芽。這是在紅外線波段的高端,它是熱的。 |
