加工定制:是 | 型號:Z1 | 功率:T5/14W、21W、28、35W、2*14W、2*28W、2*35W、T8/18W、30W、36W(W) |
類型:電子鎮流器 | 電壓:220(V) | 品牌:長鑫 |
頻率:50/60(HZ) | 工作電流:0.1(A) | 啟動電流:0.1(A) |
功率因數:0.95 | 補償電容:52847v1(μF) | 燈泡電壓:100(V) |
武義長鑫電子有限公司座落於風景秀麗的溫泉之鄉--浙江金華武義縣桐琴工業區,距永康五金之都隻有15公裡,交通便利。是一傢以節能照明為主導,集研發、制造、貿易、服務為一體的工貿型企業。 公司主要生產LED節能燈具、T5、T8節能燈和替換型節能熒光燈、熒光燈支架、格柵燈、電子鎮流器、節能燈等綠色照明產品,通過科學的設計,在節約能源的同時,提高和改善人們工作、學習、生活的條件和質量,從而創造一個舒適、安全、健康、經濟的照明環境。產品廣泛應用於工廠、商場、學校、賓館、醫院等場所。 我們崇尚簡約精致的設計理念,本著以創新、分享、共贏的原則,在追求完美極致的道路上努力打造行業新標準。
Wuyi Changxin Electronic Co., LTD Located in the beautiful scenery of the springs of the township--Tongqin Industrial zone Wuyi Zhejiang,Yongkang hardware from only 15 kilometers, Convenient transportation。Is an energy-saving lighting for the leading, integrates researching, manufacturing and trade, services for the integration of industrial enterprises. The company mainly produces LED fluorescent lamp, T5, T8 energy-saving lamps and replac type energy-saving fluorescent lamp, fluorescent bracket, grille lamp, electronic ballast and energy-saving lamp etc green lighting products,Through the science of design, energy saving,Enhance and improve people work, study and life conditions and quality,So as to create a comfortable, safe, healthy, economic lighting environment.The product widely applies in the factory, stores, schools, hotels, hospitals and other places. We advocate contracted exquisite design concept, In line with innovation, share and win-win principle, In pursuit of the perfect path of extreme effort to create a new industry standard
