電源相數:單相 | 防潮方式:密封式 | 冷卻方式:油浸自冷式 |
冷卻形式:液/油浸式 | 頻率特性:低頻 | 品牌:HEVI-DUTY |
繞組形式:自耦 | 鐵心形式:殼式 | 鐵心形狀:環型 |
型號:BIC | 安全:100% | 加工定制:否 |
應用范圍:控制 |
Name:BIC燒嘴: cast steeI housting with measuring and adjustment faciIity for gas ,designed for the connection of ceramic burner trbes made of siIicon catbide ,for naturaI gas.burner without ceramic tube or extesion .the totaI burner and maximum capacity are derived from the burner in combination with the ceramictube,L=0mm. 鑄鋼殼體,帶然氣測量和調節防置,可用天然氣,燒嘴本體不帶火焰陶瓷套管和延伸管,必須與SIC火焰陶瓷管套連接使用,L=0mm. BIC 50RB-0/35-(27)B BIC 80HB-0/35-(16)F BIC140HB-0/36(26)E. 燃燒自動化配置交鑰匙工程。
