品牌:HRH | 型號:鈕子開關系列 | 最高電壓:1000(V) |
機械壽命:10(次) | 產品認證:ROHS,高品質,耐高溫,銅,進口 |
特征 Features:
用一定的動作力通邊一定的行程,使觸點連動而進行電路轉換的靈敏開關。具有微小觸點間隙,瞬時動作和微小行程的特點。It is a sensitive swith tiny contact clearnce,instant action,and finny travel.it candrive the contrac rapidly and directly incertain travel with certain action force in order to switch over the circuit. |
◆ 用途 Applications: |
廣泛應用於各種電子產品、機器機表和傢電器等領域。如:電腦鼠標器、汽車電子產品、通訊設備、軍工產品、測試機器、燃氣熱水器、煤氣灶、小傢電等。The micro switches are widely used in the fields of electronic product,instrument and meter,household appliance,such as computer mouse,autombile electronic oduct,communication facility,military product,test instrument,gas water heater,gas burner,small household facility and so on. |
◆ 規格說明 Specifications: |
額定負荷 Rating | 2A 250V /5A 120V | 機械壽命 Mechanical Life | 100,000 cycles Min |
接觸電阻 Contact Resistance | 100mΩMAX | 電氣壽命 Electrical Life | 50,000 cycles Min |
絕緣阻抗 Insulation Resistance | 100MΩMIN | 適用溫度 Ambient Temper.Used | -25 ℃ to 85 ℃ |
耐高壓 Withstand Voltage | AC 1000V(50-60HZ) 1min | 適用濕度 Ambient Humidety Used | 85% RH |
焊接溫度 Soldering Temper | 260±5°5s | 操作力 Operating Force | 依客戶需求 |