成分及含量:97%R+3%SP | 紗支:60s+60s | 密度:116*82 |
幅寬:115cm | 克重:120(g/㎡) | 染整工藝:染色 |
主要用途:服裝用佈 | 具體用途:褲裝 | 貨號:27 |
(紹興縣柯橋世貿中心A2-20F-03 歡迎來訪洽談 0575-85584622)
Becouse of the large fluctuations of raw materials, thenominalpriceis for reference here only,do not stands for the actual transaction price.Pleasecontact usbefore buying,can call 0575-85681008, 85584622. orfax to0575-85584633.
1. As we have various products with different colors and different designs for customers to choose, we try best to proceed production and delivery fast as customers’ request, andwe suggest cusomters contact us before placing an order to determine the price of related products, such as the design number ,colors and and artwork style.
2. Due to the large fluctuations of raw materials, and the vicious competition combined with peer networks, our price of each product can not be very precise to show in front of customers, therefore we only marked a symbolic price, if you interested in our products, please leave a message or contact us on Want, we will offer you a price as soon as possible.
We strong believe in network transactions,creditis king.Asa strategic partner ofAlibaba,we are very stricton qualitycontrol of our products,all productsbefore shipmentwill becheckedthrough thegery fabricpurchaser, QC,the warehousestakeholdersto ensuredeliveried goods arequalified products.
l 一唯願景:做中國一流的麵料供應商。
l 一唯精神:一言九鼎,一絲不茍,一如既往。
l 一唯理念:誠信為本,團隊協作。
l 人才價值觀:盡人之智,責任勝於能力。
Shaoxing county easyway textile co.,ltd. specialized in different types of cotton, cotton leno, T / C, linen,Ramie,N/P taffeta fabric.
l VISION OF EASYWAY TEX: To be China's Leading Fabric Suppliers.
l MISSION STATEMENT OF EASYWAY TEX:Word of honour., meticulous, as always.
l RUNNING CULTURE OF EASYWAY TEX: honesty, teamwork & cooperartion.
l VALUES TOWARDS HUMAN RESOUCE: innovated ,responsibility preferred first than ability.
規格成分: 60S 底佈
