
  • 巴氏合金生產廠傢 軋鋼機巴氏合金供應 哈爾濱軸承巴氏合金價格
    商品代碼: 3001249
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    品名:巴氏合金 牌號:8-8 產地:鄭州
    主要金屬含量:89(%) 雜質含量:0.026(%) 粒度:240(目)




    ng>  單位名稱:河南錫基合金材料有限公司ng>

    ng>  單位地址:中國.鄭州市中原中路148號ng>

    ng>  開戶行:中國銀行鄭州隴西支行ng>

    ng>  企業賬戶: 2611 1650 2623ng>

    ng>  企業網址:http://www.xijihejin.cnng>

    ng>  聯系電話:0371-67670811/67670822ng>

    ng>  移動電話:13938533129 聯系人:劉明志 經理ng>

    ng>  主營產品:高純錫錠 錫基合金 軸承合金 巴氏合金 錫銻合金 焊錫制品等ng>

    ng>  Henan tin-based alloy materials Co., Ltd. the existing vacuum melting, remelting, forging, machining, heat treatment and a full set of production line, large heat treatment furnace, two large lathe cutting machine multiple. Testing equipment: chemical analysis instruments, Spectrometer, ultrasonic inspection equipment. The company's annual production capacity of 2,000 tons, processed products category alloy sheet, alloy sleeve, alloy bushings, alloy bar, alloy tube, alloy ring, alloy cake material, elbow, head size, pipe fittings, welded pipe, alloy castings and so on.ng>

    ng>  Limited Pap alloy of Henan tin-based alloy material according to national standards can be divided into two kinds of tin-based alloys and lead-based alloy. The strength and hardness of lead-based alloys is lower than the tin-based alloys, corrosion resistance is also poor, so customers babbitt, usually chosen Xiji Ba's alloy grades 11-6 [for high-speed the steam engine and horsepower turbine, compressor, turbine pumps and fast internal combustion engine, ball mill, and mineral processing equipment bearings. 】 8-4, [high-speed bearings for pouring internal combustion engine] 4-4 [applicable to turbines, internal combustion engines, high speed bearing bushings] 8-8 [applicable to large mechanical bearings and bushings]. Lead-based bearing alloy hardness, strength and toughness than the tin-based bearing alloy, although the performance of lead-based alloy tin-based alloy, but many customers still choose to use, more economical because it uses up its grades have ZChPbSb16 -16-2, ZChPbSb1-16-1, ZChPbSb10-6 [applicable to medium load, light load low-speed mechanical bushings].ng>

    ng>  Henan tin-based alloy material integrity management, quality-oriented, produced by the multi-channel detection process tin-based alloy of lead Chiba A's, are in line with national standards. Many manufacturers use, reflecting the good, and exported to the provinces and cities nationwide. Welcome to the new and old customers letter calls business negotiations!ng>

    巴氏合金生產廠傢 軋鋼機巴氏合金供應 哈爾濱軸承巴氏合金價格_其他有色金屬合金_有色金屬合金_冶金礦產_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i