材質:普通玻璃,普料玻璃 | 規格:口徑:10.6cm 高:13.4cm | 可否印LOG:不可以 |
尺寸:口徑:10.6cm 高:13.4cm | 擺掛形式:擺飾 |
一花紙工藝品廠,專業制造各種,玻璃制品花紙,陶瓷制品花紙,低溫花紙,燙金花紙,變色花紙,等各種花紙工藝產品。公司生產經營的產品還有各種玻璃器皿,玻璃杯,噴色玻璃杯,玻璃碗盤,啤酒玻璃杯,玻璃燭臺,玻璃高腳杯,機壓杯,印花杯,貼花杯,磨沙杯,燙金杯,雕花杯,機吹、人工吹制高檔酒杯,啤酒杯,各式冰淇淋杯,煙灰缸,儲物罐等玻璃工藝品,以及耐熱餐具、雙層玻璃保溫杯,本司自有包裝,彩印,花紙,玻璃深加工等車間。公司坐落在風景秀麗的龍子湖畔,美麗的淮河之濱,交通十分便利,距京滬高鐵蚌埠南站隻有五分鐘的車程,成立於2008年,本司自有出口權,可以為你做出口,報關,商檢等一系列的業務,為你帶去更大的方便。現公司業務除瞭覆蓋國內大陸市場之外,產品還遠銷世界各地,年產100萬件,產值達八千萬。並配有大型的後道加工.現有職工300多人。科技人員50多,不斷研制和創新新產品,另外如客戶來圖,來貨樣,我司可開模做樣品。同時,為瞭滿足當前瞬息萬變的海內外日用品市場需求,我司也為國內外的一些知名品牌(百事可樂,可口可樂,嘉士伯,金威,青島,生力,索尼,松下等)印制嘜杯,廣告宣傳杯和促銷禮品杯,以及一些國際著名旅遊勝地(如馬來西亞,韓國,美國紐約,澳大利亞悉尼,南非,塞蒲路斯,瑞典,芬蘭,蘇格蘭,阿根廷等)的小紀念禮品杯。我司一貫秉著“品質至上,服務至上,誠信至上”的經營理念,立足為社會生產出符合大眾需求,美化大眾生活的至上精品。本公司經過多年的努力已經成為新時期同行業的領軍者。誠邀海內外客戶光臨、洽談業務,攜手合作、共創美好的未來 。
Tianyi color paper handicraft factory, professional manufacture all kinds of paper flowers glass, ceramics and paper flowers, low temperature color paper, tipping paper, color paper, such as all kinds of color paper craft products. Company production and operation of products and all kinds of glassware, glass, sprayed color glass, glass dishes, beer glass, glass candlestick, glass goblet, machine press cup, cup printing, decals cup, cup grinding sand, gold cup, cup of carve patterns or designs on woodwork, blowing machine, artificial blowing, high-grade glass, beer mug, all kinds of ice cream cups, ashtrays, glass handicrafts and so on the storage tank, and heat-resistant tableware, double deck glass thermos flask, the division has its own packaging, color printing, color paper, glass deep processing workshop, etc. Company is located in the beautiful scenery give lake, the beautiful shore of the huai river, the traffic is very convenient, away from the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway bengbu station only five minutes, was founded in 2008, the company has its own export right, you can do for export, customs clearance, commodity inspection and so on a series of business, bringing more convenience for you. Now the company business in addition to covering the domestic Chinese market, products are exported to all over the world, annual output of 1 million, production value of eighty million. And equipped with a large after processing. Existing staff more than 300 people. Scientific and technical personnel more than 50, continuous development and innovation of new products, like other customers to figure, samples, we can open mold to do samples. At the same time, in order to meet the current rapidly changing commodity market demand at home and abroad, our company also for the domestic and foreign some famous brands, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, carlsberg, kingway, Qingdao, SAN miguel, SonY, panasonic, etc.), label printing cup, advertising cup, promotional gift cup, and some of the world famous tourist destination (such as Malaysia, South Korea, the United States New York, Sydney, Australia, South Africa, plug PuLu, Sweden, Finland, Scotland, Argentina, etc.) of small souvenir cup. Our company has consistently adhered to the "quality first, service first, credibility first" business philosophy, based on produce for the society can meet the demand of the public, to beautify the public life of the first products. The company after many years of hard work has become the industry leader in new period. Invites customers at home and abroad to visit and negotiate business, hand in hand cooperation, create beautiful future
