加工定制:是 | 型號:27 | 基材:玻璃纖維佈 |
厚度:0.177(mm) | 顏色:白色 | 長期耐溫性:130(℃) |
適用范圍:變壓器 | 品牌:3M | 短期耐溫性:155(℃) |
膠系:橡膠 | 延伸系數:5% | 寬度:615(mm) |
深圳君達絕緣材料 宋小姐13923720372
3M27 Electrical Tape - OEMGlass Cloth With Rubber ThermosettingPressure Sensitive Adhesive Data Sheet
1. Product Description3M™27 Glass Cloth Electrical Tape is a woven glass clothtape designed to operate in 600-volt dry applicationsrequiring high mechanical strength and resistance to hightemperatures. The adhesive is a pressure-sensitive rubberthermosetting system. The glass cloth is specially treated andprepared to provide corrosion free protection. The glass clothwill not shrink,rot,or burn and has a high tensile strength. • Contains pressure-sensitive thermosetting adhesive whichperforms at Class B temperature (130°F/266°C)• Provides heat stable insulation for hot spot applications• UL Recognized Component listing for 150°C (GuideOANZ2,File E17385)• CSA Accepted Component 130°C,File LR93411• Excellent tensile and dielectric strength2. Applications• Insulating electric and induction type furnace powersupply leads• Securing systems requiring high mechanical strength andresistance to high temperatures• Splicing wire that is rated 130°C• Insulating motor lead connections,switches and controlsfor furnaces and ovens• Reinforcing insulation in electrical installations whereheavy loads cause high heat and breakdown of originalinsulation (e.g.,motor leads and switches)
PropertiesTypical Values*
ColorWhiteTotal Thickness17.0 mil (0,177 mm)Tensile Strength1150 lb./in (262 N/10 mm)Ultimate Elongation15%Adhesion to Steel130 oz/in (3.3 N/10 mm)Insulation Resistance14.5 x 104megohms
Dielectric Strength13000 voltsElectrolytic Corrosion Factor20.9
*These are typical values and should not be used for specification purposes.Test Methods:1ASTM-D-100023M Test Method 3. Specifications3M 27 tape is a glass cloth electrical tape with a rubberthermosetting adhesive. The tape shall be white and 7 mils(0,177 mm) thick. The tape shall be coated on one side withpressure-sensitive adhesive,which shall not require heat,moisture,or other preparation prior to or subsequent toapplication. The adhesive coating shall be smooth anduniform and be free of lumps and bare spots. There shall beno separator between adjacent layers of the roll. The tapeshall be UL Recognized under UL Standard 510. The tapeshall perform at a temperature of 130°C without loss ofphysical or electrical properties.4. Engineering/ArchitectureAll splices for 600-volt wire rated at 266°F (130°C) shall beinsulated with a minimum of two half-lapped layers of 27Glass Cloth Electrical Tape.5. Shelf Life27 Glass Cloth Electrical Tape has a 3-year shelf life fromdate of manufacture when stored under the followingrecommended storage conditions. Store behind present stockin a clean dry place at a temperature of 30°F and 50%relative humidity. Good stock rotation is recommended.