產品特性:覆膜手拉紙箱 | 瓦楞:BC瓦,B瓦 | 用途:茶葉包裝,禮品包裝,通用包裝,食品包裝,化妝品包裝,飾品包裝,玩具包裝,五金配件包裝,啤酒箱,物流包裝,電子元器件包裝,醫藥包裝,服裝包裝,香煙包裝,保健品包裝,酒水、飲料包裝,服飾包裝,數位包裝,傢用電器包裝,百貨包裝 |
紙(板)材質:復合加工紙板 | 紙張克重:350克+高強坑+250克 | 是否定制:定制品 |
紙箱規格:320*160*910(mm) | 厚度:三層 | 供貨類型:可定制 |
廣告宣傳品:廣告宣傳 | 材質:紙/紙板 | |
| 本公司主要生產經營各類展會手拉箱 高檔畫冊折頁 精美禮盒, 歡迎新老客戶來電洽談選購! | |
| ng>型號:JC2-1(改進型) 出口高大精美熱賣型手拉箱ng> ng>規格:91*32*16cm 前高:52+19cm斜蓋ng> ng>材質:350克麵紙4色彩印加覆膜+250克塗佈白色底紙+高強芯紙。三層加強底板帶輪紙箱。ng> ng>單價:500個起訂 3000個時單價14.98元;低於3000時,收取菲林起碼制板費2800元。ng> ng>價格優惠:根據訂購數量而定。凡訂購就有機會中獎。ng> ng>負重:15公斤ng> ng>包裝/體積:109*48.5*36cm紙箱裝40個。1000套含配件不足5立方。ng> 特點/適用: 高大是指:後高 前高均有增加,斜蓋,更適合外國人拉動。結構更合理牢固,組裝很快捷,環保,運輸擺放占地麵積小。適合各種展會,斜麵廣告更引人註意。 在迪拜工業產品展會 阿拉伯展會 巴西LED展會 科威特 俄羅斯 卡塔爾展會上深受大傢喜歡。
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| ng>參加展會如何把客人吸引到您的展位?展會後還能讓客戶記住您?展會帶輪手拉紙箱。是您贈送客戶尋求商機最得力幫手.能背/能提/又能拉。廣告突出搶眼,流動廣泛宣傳。環保價廉。采用830克三層紙板制作,通過獨有技術,使箱子的壓力已不在輪子上,輪子僅起滾動作用。所以,牢固耐用。負重15公斤以上。含輪子拉手售價僅十幾元。還適合酒類品牌推廣/房地產開盤熱賣/贈送客戶。ng> ng> 健馳公司:作為手拉紙推車箱的首創者.從5年前的第一代產品,到今天熱銷的2-4代產品,“王牌”手拉紙箱以其可以免安裝,能折疊和節省運輸空間,價格適宜被受到關註。 經過多年來的不斷改進從選材,防潮和堅固性的多功能的完善。為該產品贏得瞭良好的商譽和市場,出口到30多個國傢和地區。看似簡單卻具備核心技術的“王牌”手拉紙推車箱已迅速被全球越來越多的企業選擇,今天的您,是否也在尋找這樣的工具?ng> ng> ng>Brand: King Brand Manufacturer: Jian Chi Company As the inventor of paper cartoon trolley, from the 1st generation 5 years ago to today's hot sale 4th generation, JIan Chi company's "King Brand" trolley is drawing more and more attention due to it's specialty of assembling-free, foldable and lower transportation cost. It's multi function of carrying, hand-lifting, pulling as well as it's durability, lower cost and reusable features makes the catalogue collection on trade fair no longer a tiring and tedious job. Established in 2001, Jian Chi company has been concentrated on developing & manufacturing paper-made gift bag, box, printed cartoon, catalogue and lables etc. As one of the main featured product, paper catoon trolley has widened it's utility to household shopping and temporary transportation by it's features of enviromental materials, anti-humidity and durability. Now customer from more than 30 countries are using it as a promotional tool for commercial promotion and advertising. Jian Chi company will keep on developing and improving the trolley for our customers. Are you ready to start using this wonderful tool for your company? msn ID:gdjianchi @msn.cn QQ;651151867 與我們聯系! | |