顏色:粉紅色 | 用途:飾品袋 | 加工定制:是 |
工藝:膠印 | 佈料材質:色丁佈 |
本公司的紗袋上麵可以按客戶要求印刷自己的LOGO,以及各種花式的應刷等。浙江蘭溪市捷利佈藝有限公司;位於中國蘭溪, 本廠是一傢集開發設計、制造、銷售、加工、出口貿易於一體的企業, 專業設計生產禮品袋、無紡佈袋、環保袋、禮品購物袋、廣告袋、雪紗袋/歐根紗袋、珍珠紗袋/柯根紗袋(玻璃紗袋)、飾品袋、絨佈袋等各種布料/面料拉繩袋子,是一傢擁有多年歷史的專業禮品袋
公司奉行“質量第一,用戶至上”的宗旨,產品遠銷美國,歐洲,東南亞, 中東, 日本等二十多個國傢和地區,擁有一套完善的設施和管理,實力雄厚,有多年的生產經驗, 以低廉的價格,優質的產品,熱情的服務, 受到市場青睞。客戶可來樣訂貨,看樣訂貨,來料加工。
我公司月生產量500多萬隻禮品袋以上,公司總經理曾立人攜全體員工願真誠和各位商傢攜手合作,共創輝煌。 本廠有專業絲印工廠可在各種布料/面料上絲印、燙金、熱轉印、植絨、刺繡商標和圖案
Li Jie of China’s products in Lanxi, the factory is the development of a set design, manufacture, sale, processing, export trade was one of the enterprises, professional pet apparel design and production, environmental protection, beautiful, durable and non-woven bags, green bags, gift bags , Ad bags, yarn bags of snow / European roots yarn bags, pearl yarn bag / Ko root yarn bags (glass yarn bag), jewelry bags, flannel bags, and other fabrics Lasheng bag, is a professional with years of history gift bag ( Products) of production enterprises. In the gift bag industry, have a certain influence.
The company of 'quality first, users first' purpose, products are exported to the United States, Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Japan and more than 20 countries and regions, with a sound infrastructure and management, the strength of years of production Experience, a low price, high-quality products, friendly service, favored by the market. Customers can sample orders, see-ordering, processing.
My production company, over 500 more than 10,000 gift bags, general manager of the company had Liren in good faith with the staff, and to the merchant is willing to work together to create brilliant.
曾立人 先生 (外貿經理) |
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地 址: | 中國 浙江 蘭溪市 蘭溪市輕工業園區 | ||
郵 編: | 321100 | ||
傳 真: | 86 0579 88903552 免費試用電子傳真 | ||
移動電話: | 18767901118 | ||
電 話: | 0086 0579 88608553 |
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公司主頁: | http://zjlxjl.com |
http://lxjlgy110.cn.alibaba.com |
4.可供選擇的庫存尺寸: 7-1/4x14x3英寸。
10. 價格根據尺寸,材料及具體要求而定。
