加工定制:是 | 型號:3M40 | 基材:pet |
厚度:0.05(mm) | 顏色:灰 | 長期耐溫性:130(℃) |
適用范圍:防靜電產品 | 品牌:3M | 短期耐溫性:155(℃) |
膠系:防靜電膠 | 延伸系數:100% | 寬度:610(mm) |
宋小姐13923720372 0755-86173511
40 Printed and UnprintedAntistatic Utility TapeData Sheet
3M™40 Printed and Unprinted Antistatic Utility Tapesrepresent a breakthrough in PSA tape technology. Thisnew tape, which generates less than 50 volts on unwindand removal from stainless steel, helps prevent ESDdamage to sensitive electronic components inmanufacturing environments. Triboelectric charge mayvary with your application andenvironment.Patented Technology3M antistatic utility tape is atransparent polyester film tapewith acrylic adhesive. Made with aproprietary technology, the tapegenerates extremely low levels oftriboelectric charge when it isunwound from the roll and alsowhen removed from most surfaceson which it is placed. This makesthe tape an excellent choice for usenear electronic components andassemblies. The tape is supplied on36 yard and 72 yard rolls on 1” and3” cores.Superior Performance3M antistatic utility tape can beused at static-safeguardworkstations as part of your totalstatic control program. Itgenerates very low levels of staticcharge even in dry conditions of10% RH. The tape is supplied on apaper core; antistatic plastic coresare available to minimizeparticulate contamination in clean work areas.40 Printed for ProtectionThe tape is printed on the adhesive side with the 3Mlogo and the ESD Protective Symbol. This remindsworkers that 40 tape is the only utility tape you allow instatic-safeguarded areas.Applications•Office/Clean Room/Work StationHolding notes of work ordersHolding obstruction downThird hand, general purpose•ManufacturingClose static shielding bagsConformal coating/maskinsHolding and sealing supplies•PackagingBox, bag and container sealing/holding DIP Tubes•Removing Contaminants•Label StockCall 1-800-328-1368 for more information or the nameof your nearest 3M ELPD Division authorizeddistributor.Typical PropertiesProperty/Unit of Measure Test Method Typical ValueELECTRICAL PROPERTIESStatic charge generation:Removal from roll, 10% RH, volts 3M 20Removal from roll, 50% RH, volts 3M 5Removal from stainless steel, 10% RH, volts 3M 50Removal from stainless steel, 50% RH, volts 3M 5Surface resistance: Adhesive @ 50% RH, Ω ESD Assoc. 5 x 106STD 11.11 Adhesive @ 10% RH, Ω ESD Assoc. 5 x 106STD 11.11TAPE PROPERTIESAdhesion to steel, oz/inch ASTM D 1000 15Unwind force from roll, oz/inch ASTM D 1000 24Thickness, mils ASTM D 1000 2.2Break strength, lb./inch ASTM D 1000 20Slit width, inch ASTM D 1000 ± 1/64Non - outgassingTML ASTM E 595
宋小姐13923720372 0755-86173511