品牌:滿格通 | 型號:1027 | 額定功率:0.006(W) |
產品類型:有刷直流電動機 | 額定電壓:3(V) | 額定電流:0.08(A) |
額定轉速:12500±2500(rpm) | 適用范圍:手機 玩具 |
1. 適用范圍/Genera
This specification applies to 1027DC coin type coreless vibration motors to be used for pagers or mobile phone
2. 使用條件/Operating condition
項目/Item | 規格/Specification | |
2-1 | 額定電壓/Rated voltage | 3.0V DC |
2-2 | 使用電壓范圍/Operating voltage | 2.7~3.5V DC |
2-3 | 旋轉方向/Rotation | CW(contrary clockwise) |
2-4 | 使用環境/Operating environment | -20~+60℃,Ordinary Humidity |
2-5 | 保存條件/Storage environment | -30~+70℃,Ordinary Humidity |
3. 測定條件/Measuring condition
項目/Item | 條件/Condition | 規格/Specification |
3-1 | 溫度/Temperature | 25±3℃ |
3-2 | 濕度/Humidity | 60±20%RH |
3-3 | 氣壓/Air pressure | 1011±40 hpa |
3-4 | 電流/Current | 穩定直流電流/Stabilized DC current |
4. 初期電氣性能/Electrical initial characteristics
項目/Item | 規格/Specification | 條件/Condition | |
4-1 | 額定轉速 Rated speed | 12500±2500rpm | 額定電壓下 At rated voltage |
4-2 | 額定電流 Rated current | 80mA max | |
4-3 | 啟動電流 Starting current | 120mA max | |
4-4 | 啟動電壓 Starting voltage | 2.3V DC max | 在最小啟動電壓下啟動/Motor is Rotating at min starting voltage |
4-5 | 絕緣電阻 Insulation resistance | 10MΩ MIN | 在100V直流電壓下機殼與導線/At DC 100V Between wire and case |
5. 機械性能/Mechanical characteristics
項目/Item | 規格/Specification | |
5-1 | 振動強度 Vibration Strength | ≥0.8G以上 0.8G MIN |
| 機械噪音 Mechanical noise | 小於50分貝.A權計 50db(A)Max |
在額定電壓以下 At rated voltage
背景噪音:不大於28db.A計權 Back ground noise 28db(A)Max |
6. 耐久性能/Durability characteristics
項目/Item | 規格/Specification | 判定標準/Judgment | |
6-1 | 壽命Life |
試驗循環:86,400 cycle Test cycle:86,400 cycle | 試驗後,馬達應符合7-1項的要求/After the test, motors shall be approved as specified in item 7-1 |
7. 要求/Require
項目/Item |
| 判定標準/Judgment |
7-1 | 表A Table A |
1.額定轉速/Rated speed :不低於初始值-30% :不高於初始值50% :date -30% Initial min : date 50% Initial max
2.額定電流/Rated current : 不低於初始值-30% :不高於初始值50% :date -30% Initial min : date 50% Initial max
3.啟動電壓/Starting voltage :不大於2.3V直流電壓 :2.3DC max
4.絕緣電阻/Insulation resistance :大於10MΩ Min :10MΩ Min
7-2 | 表B Table B |
1.額定轉速/Rated speed :不低於初始值-30% :不高於初始值50% :date -30% Initial min : date 50% Initial max
2.額定電流/Rated current : 不低於初始值-30% :不高於初始值50% :date -30% Initial min : date 50% Initial max
3.啟動電壓/Starting voltage :不大於2.3V直流電壓 :2.3DC max
8.使用註意事項/Matters to be paid attention to when using motor
8-1.必須按照規格書標準使用,否則性能與壽命都將受到相當的減少,必須註意電壓的使用范疇. Unless it is used in accordance with specifications the performance and life may be considerably reduced . Due attention should be paid to voltage and range use
8-2.建議馬達在6個月內使用,不要在以下環境中使用及保存. 8-2-1.高溫與高濕的場所. 8-2-2.腐蝕性氣體,如:H2S,SO2,NO2,CL2; 8-2-3.生銹場所; Advice use this motor with in 6 month as avoiding as possible. Avoid use or save the motor in following environment 8-2-1.High temperature and high humidity area; 8-2-2.Corrosive gas such as H2S,SO2,NO2,CL2; 8-2-3.Dusty area;
8-3.註意處理馬達的工作環境,避免含鐵質物體被馬達吸住,否則馬達將會產生噪音,性能會降低,從而降低產品的可靠性. Due attention must be paid to the handing and working environment because such objects as iron powder if attracted by the motor magnet , will cause noise, characteristics deterioration thus reducing the reliability
8-4.應確信本產品不會違背相關的標準,以及法律法規與行政令. Please confirm enough no problem of standards and laws and ordinance on your cellular
8-5.拿馬達時,要輕拿輕放. To handle the motor ,hold the motor case softly
8-6.鋼板麵邊緣有少許銹斑是允許的. Rust of plate (steed) and similar edge should be OK.
