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    水族箱用陶粒 魚池凈水用陶粒
    商品代碼: 2919322
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    濾料類型:陶粒 適用對象:水 用途:水過濾
    性能:耐酸,耐堿 類型:高效 品牌:HonGFA/宏發
    吸附率:98.20(%) 抗壓力:3.8(kgf) 密度:1.4(g/cm3)
    孔隙率:65(%) 磨損率:1.8 硬度:8
    化學成分:頁巖 鹽酸可溶率:2.8(%) 屬性:25kg的中性包裝

           園林 建築 混凝土 水族用陶粒濾料是采用頁巖熱解加工而成,是一種新型的生物膜截體濾料,材質輕,微孔多,比表麵積大,吸附能力強,抗壓耐磨,沖洗強度低,截污能力好,濾速高,頻率小等優點,適用於酸、中、堿性水處理,濾池和過濾器中各項指標均達到該行業標準。

         常用規格:0.6-1.2mm 1-2mm 2-4mm 4-8mm 8-16mm 16-32mm

    Our factory ceramic grain filters is adopted and shale pyrolysis, is a new kind of biofilm filter material, cut body material is qualitative light, pore, high spicific surface, adsorption ability, compression wear-resisting, flush of low intensity, and sewage capability, high frequency, the advantages of small, applicable to acid and alkali, water treatment, filter and filter in all indexes reach the standard of the industry. Common specification: 0.6-1.2 mm 2mm 4mm 2-1-4-8-16-8mm 16mm 32mm

    ng>園林 建築 混凝土 水族用陶粒ng>




    分析項目 測試數據 分析項目 測試數據
    比重 1.6g/cm3 鹽酸可溶率 2.8%
    容重 0.8g/cm3 SiO2 65%
    磨損率 1.8% Al2O3 18-22%
    孔隙率 56% Fe2O3 6-8%
    比表麵積 >980cm2/g 其它金屬含量均不超標

      常用規格:1-2mm 2-3mm 2-4mm 3-5mm 4-8mm 5-10mm


     Bio-ceramic filter shale is characterized by light weight, porous developed large surface area, adsorption capacity, compression wear, head low intensity irrigation, sewage capacity good.Applied to acid, the alkaline water treatment, water treatment products is the ideal.
    Physical and chemical properties of

    Analysis of project test data test data analysis project
    The proportion of soluble rate of 2.8% hydrochloric acid 1.6g/cm3
    Bulk density 0.8g/cm3 SiO2 65%
    Wear rate of 1.8% Al2O3 18-22%
    Porosity of 56% Fe2O3 6-8%
    Surface area> 980cm2 / g of other metal content not exceeding

    Common Specifications :1-2mm 2-3mm 2-4mm 3-5mm 4-8mm 5-10mm

    ng>園林 建築 混凝土 水族用陶粒的生產工藝ng>ng> ng>




    Shale production process
    Mining - a break - the second break - Screening - Temporary - Feeding - Sintering - finished grade filter - stack - Transport (bagging)
    In operation, should pay attention to the volume of feed to the coal volume, kiln speed, air volume introduced matching relationship between them so that they adjusted to the optimum process conditions.
    Fly ash and other industrial waste residue is a lot of stakeholders set of ceramic research topic for many years.Today, high-strength, lightweight Lytag have successfully come out of the performance indicators are better than shale and clay ceramic.In addition to master the technology of which demands, the additive is the main reason affecting their performance.Additives include binders, expanding agent and mineralization agent.The admixture of different components of fly ash composition is also



    水族箱用陶粒 魚池凈水用陶粒_陶粒_過濾材料_機械設備_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i