濾料類型:果殼 | 適用對象:水 | 用途:水過濾 |
性能:耐酸,耐堿,其他 | 類型:高效 | 品牌:恒星 |
吸附率:85(%) | 抗壓力:80(kgf) | 密度:1.5(g/cm3) |
孔隙率:47(%) | 磨損率:≤1.5% | 硬度:3.8 |
化學成分:山核桃殼 | 鹽酸可溶率:15.2(%) | |
ng>核 桃 殼 磨 料ng> |
ng>核桃殼濾料采用優質山核桃殼為原料,經過破碎、拋光、蒸洗、藥物防腐處理,兩次篩選加工而成。此濾料堅韌、耐磨、抗壓(抗壓力為23.4kgf),化學性能穩定,吸附截污性強(吸附率為27-50%),抗油浸,易反洗再生,反沖洗強度低(6.7L/Sm2),濾速快(24-26m/h),不板結,不腐爛,永不更換,每年隻需補充5-10%即可。油去除率達95%,含油降至5mg/g以下。適用於油田、節油環保設備等方麵。ng> |
ng>檢測項目ng> | ng>測試數據ng> | ng>檢測項目ng> | ng>測試ng> | ng>油去除率ng> | ng>90-95%ng> | ng>反洗強度ng> | ng>25m3/m2.hng> | ng>懸浮物去除率ng> | ng>95-98%ng> | ng>水沖洗壓力ng> | ng>0.32MPang> | ng>濾 速ng> | ng>20-25m/hng> | ng>維護方式ng> | ng>每年補充5-10%ng> | ng>比 重ng> | ng>1.5g/cm3ng> | ng>堆 密 度ng> | ng>0.8g/cm3ng> |
ng> ng>
ng> ng>ng>
ng> ng>ng>ng>本廠采用國外先進的工藝、技術,專業生產陶瓷結合劑氣孔砂輪成孔材料ng>ng>--ng>ng>核桃殼粒。該產品與以往的成孔材料ng>ng>--ng>ng>精萘相比,具有氣孔均勻、ng>ng>
ng> ng>ng>理化性能指標ng>
ng>堆積密度:ng>ng>16#--36# 0.85±0.05g/cmng>
ng>46#--80# 0.80±0.05g/cmng>
ng>粒ng>ng> ng>ng>度:ng>ng>16#--36# 16#ng>ng>篩上物為ng>ng>0ng>ng>,ng>ng>36#ng>ng>篩下物ng>ng>≤4%ng>
ng>46#--80# 46#ng>ng>篩上物為ng>ng>0ng>ng>,ng>ng>80#ng>ng>篩下物ng>ng>≤2%ng>
ng> ng>ng> ng>ng>澤:黃棕色顆粒色ng>
ng> ng>ng>:8#ng>ng>、ng>ng>10#ng>ng>、ng>ng>12#ng>ng>、ng>ng>14#ng>ng>、ng>ng>16#ng>ng>、ng>ng>20#ng>ng>、ng>ng>24#ng>ng>、ng>ng>30#ng>ng>、ng>ng>36#ng>ng>、ng>ng>46#ng>ng>、ng>ng>60#ng>ng>、ng>ng>80#ng>ng>、ng>ng>100#ng>ng>、ng>ng>120#產品規格ng>
ng> ng>ng>[ng>ng>拋光材料ng>ng>]ng>ng>核桃殼二、ng>
ng>ng>ng>ng>ng>重:ng>ng>1.28 ng>ng>硬ng>ng>ng>ng>度:ng>ng>2.5—3.0MOH ng>ng>酸ng>ng> ng>ng>度ng>ng>:3—6PH比ng>
ng>殼含量ng>ng>:90.90% ng>ng>仁含量:ng>ng>0.4% ng>ng>水份含量:ng>ng>8.7%ng>
ng>5#5.00—4.00mm, 6#4.00—3.15mm, 8#2.80—2.36mm, 10# 2.00—1.80mmng>
ng>12# 1.70—2.50mm, 14# 1.40—1.25mm, 16# 1.18—1.06mm, 20# 0.95—0.85mmng>
ng>24#0.800—0.630mm, 30#0.600—0.560mm, 36#0.530—0.450mmng>
ng>46#0.425—0.355mm, 60#0.315—0.250mm, 80#0.212—0.180mmng>
ng>100# 0.170—0.132mm, 120# 0.125—0.100mmng>
ng>ng>ng>1250kg/cm3 ng>ng>容重ng>ng>: 800kg/cm3 ng>ng>磨損率:ng>ng>≤1.5ng>ng>%比重:ng>
ng>ng>ng>3ng>ng>%ng>ng> ng>ng>孔隙率:ng>ng>47 ng>ng>除油率:ng>ng>65-95ng>ng>%浮皮率:ng>
ng> ng>
ng>常用規格:ng>ng>0.5-1.0mm 0.5-0.8mm 0.6-1.2mm 0.8-1.6mm 1.0-2.0mmng>
ng> ng>
ng>一.ng>ng>[pore-forming materials] walnut shell particlesng>
ng>Our factory using foreign advanced technology specialized in vitrified bond grinding wheel hole porosity materials - walnut shell grains. Compared with the old pore-forming material-- refined naphthalene, our product has uniform pores, and it is odorless, non-polluting, easy to use, inexpensive and safe. Moreover, the pore size of the grinding wheel can be arbitrarily selected. Thus, in 60 years abroad, it has been widely adopted in abrasives industry.ng>ng>
ng> Physical and chemical performance indexng>
ng>Bulk Density: 16 # - 36 # 0.85 ± 0.05g/cmng>
ng>46 # - 80 # 0.80 ± 0.05g/cmng>
ng>Size: 16 # - 36 #ng>ng>ng>,ng>ng>the screen overflow of 16# is 0, the screen underflow of 36# is no more than4%ng>
ng>46 # - 80 #, the screen overflow of 46# is 0, the screen underflow of 80# is no more than2%ng>
ng>Color: Yellow-brown granulesng>ng>
ng> Product Specification: 8 #, 10 #, 12 #, 14 #, 16 #, 20 #, 24 #, 30 #, 36 #, 46 #, 60 #, 80 #, 100 #, 120 #ng>ng>
ng>Specifications can be produced as needed.ng>
ng>二.ng>ng>[Polishing Material] walnut shellng>
ng>Such polishing materials processed by the special process have excellent wear resistance, uniform particle size, and ultra-high shell content.ng>
ng>Physical and chemical performance indexng>ng>
ng>Specific Gravity: 1.28 Hardness: 2.5-3 .0 MOH Acidity: 3-6PHng>
ng>Shell content: 90.90% kernel content: 0.4% Moisture content: 8.7%ng>ng>
ng>5 # 5.00-4.00mm, 6 # 4.00-3.15mm, 8 # 2.80-2.36mm, 10 # 2.00-1.80mmng>
ng>12 # 1.70-2.50mm, 14 # 1.40-1.25mm, 16 # 1.18-1.06mm, 20 # 0.95-0.85mmng>
ng>24 # 0.800-0.630mm, 30 # 0.600-0.560mm, 36 # 0.530-0.450mmng>
ng>46 # 0.425-0.355mm, 60 # 0.315-0.250mm, 80 # 0.212-0.180mmng>
ng>100 # 0.170-0.132mm, 120 # 0.125-0.100mmng>ng>
ng>三.ng>ng>[Filter] walnut shellng>
ng>Appearanceng>ng>:ng>ng>shinyng>ng>,ng>ng>beautiful, brown. High-quality fruit (coconut, apricot) shell as raw materials, it is refined handled and screening made by water vapor activation crumbs.ng>
ng>Features: developed gap, good adsorption properties, high strength, easy regeneration, economic and durable and so on.ng>ng>
ng>Uses: It is used for oil field, refining, environmental protection, chemical industry wastewater treatment and so on.ng>ng>
ng>Physical and chemical performance indexng>ng>
ng>Weight: 1250kg/cm3 bulk density: 800kg/cm3 wear rate: ≤ 1.5%ng>
ng>Puffiness rate: 3% porosity: 47 degreasing rate: 65-95%ng>
ng>Common Specifications: 0.5-1 .0 mm 0.5-0.8mm 0.6-1.2mm 0.8-1.6mm 1.0-2.0mm 2.0-4.0mmng>ng>
ng>二.ng>ng>[Polishing Material] walnut shellng>
ng>Such polishing materials processed by the special process have excellent wear resistance, uniform particle size, and ultra-high shell content.ng>
ng>Physical and chemical performance indexng>ng>
ng>Specific Gravity: 1.28 Hardness: 2.5-3 .0 MOH Acidity: 3-6PHng>
ng>Shell content: 90.90% kernel content: 0.4% Moisture content: 8.7%ng>ng>
ng>5 # 5.00-4.00mm, 6 # 4.00-3.15mm, 8 # 2.80-2.36mm, 10 # 2.00-1.80mmng>
ng>12 # 1.70-2.50mm, 14 # 1.40-1.25mm, 16 # 1.18-1.06mm, 20 # 0.95-0.85mmng>
ng>24 # 0.800-0.630mm, 30 # 0.600-0.560mm, 36 # 0.530-0.450mmng>
ng>46 # 0.425-0.355mm, 60 # 0.315-0.250mm, 80 # 0.212-0.180mmng>
ng>100 # 0.170-0.132mm, 120 # 0.125-0.100mmng>ng>
ng>三.ng>ng>[Filter] walnut shellng>
ng>Appearanceng>ng>:ng>ng>shinyng>ng>,ng>ng>beautiful, brown. High-quality fruit (coconut, apricot) shell as raw materials, it is refined handled and screening made by water vapor activation crumbs.ng>
ng>Features: developed gap, good adsorption properties, high strength, easy regeneration, economic and durable and so on.ng>ng>
ng>Uses: It is used for oil field, refining, environmental protection, chemical industry wastewater treatment and so on.ng>ng>
ng>Physical and chemical performance indexng>ng>
ng>Weight: 1250kg/cm3 bulk density: 800kg/cm3 wear rate: ≤ 1.5%ng>
ng>Puffiness rate: 3% porosity: 47 degreasing rate: 65-95%ng>
ng>Common Specifications: 0.5-1 .0 mm 0.5-0.8mm 0.6-1.2mm 0.8-1.6mm 1.0-2.0mm 2.0-4.0mmng>ng>