加工定制:是 | 型號:1060 | 等級:1 |
產品類型:全新 | 配件類型:通用配件 | 適用領域:林業,漁業,農業 |
品牌:雨辰 |
雨辰精密機械主要設備:數控加工中心、數控車床數臺、C616、C6140、CJK6136D、X52K、WX62、M080、搓絲機、滾絲機、磨床、銑床、刨床、高頻振動拋光 等。 對外承接:車、磨、刨、銑、各種銅、鋁、鐵、不銹鋼、塑料等機械零件的來圖來樣加工
青島雨辰精密機械廠 單存智
電 話: 086-0532-
電子郵件:[email protected]
郵政編碼: 266200
Qingdao creek LinYuan industry &trade Co., LTD, the transportation is convenient, theQingdao municipal government toChina only 30 minutes.China 30 km toQingdao port. Airport 10 kilometers.
The main equipment: CNC processing center, nc lathe, rub silk machine, roll silk machine, grinder, milling machine, planer, etc. At home and abroad to undertake: car, grinding, planing, milling, all kinds of copper, aluminum, iron, stainless steel, plastic; Casting forging machinery parts to figure to sample processing production. Welcome the domestic and foreign customers.
Qingdaocreek LinYuan industry &trade Co., LTD SUNNY SHAN
TEL: 086-0532-
E-meil: [email protected]
Postal code: 266200
Address:shandongQingdao China JiMo mount taishan 2
