品牌:健躍 | 型號:JY1-140-1 | 混凝土機械類型:混凝土攪拌機 |
混凝土理論輸送量:2(m3/h) | 混凝土最大出口壓力:3(Mpa) | 額定進料容量:110L(m3) |
額定出料容量:110L(m3) | 骨料最大粒徑:15(mm) | 電機功率:1.5(kw) |
卸料方式:翻缸傾倒 | 攪拌功率:1.5(kw) | 拌筒轉速:30(min) |
攪拌軸轉速:39(r/min) | 外形尺寸:133(mm) | 整機重量:80(kg) |
產品單價:2500.00 |
型號(Model): 汽油攪拌機JY1-140-1
攪拌鼓容量(DRUM Capacity): 5cf(about200kg)140L
攪拌鼓直徑(Drum Diameter): 600 mm
功率: 3.5KW
汽油機轉速: 3600r/min
減速比: 2:1
毛重/凈重(G.W/N.W): 83/80kg
外箱尺寸(Carton size): 65.5x65.5x63cm (93×53×14cm) (4037X38cm)
包裝數量(Packed quantity): 3 cartons
裝箱率[Q‘TY/Container(20‘/40‘)]: 54/114 pcs
Mix all types of construction materials in completes confidence;
1) Safe and simple assembly(Unit can be disassembled easily for fast transport)
2) Portable and light
3) Portable stand allows barrow height mixing and tiping
4) range of concrete mixers has proven appeal to the professional, rental and DIY.
5) Offer portable, quality mixers for any building requirement
6) The best marketing mixer for construction and rental.
汽油攪拌機產品適用於 :小型建築施工現場的混泥土、混凝土、農場和養殖場的肥料、飼料
聯系人:徐先生 手機:15988575737
郵箱/E-mail:[email protected]
