ng>簡介: A Brief Introductionng> 本單元起重機符合JB/T1306《電動單梁橋式起重機》及JB/T2603《電動單梁懸掛起重機》技術條件。其結構特點是電動葫蘆或手動單軌小車沿主梁工字鋼下翼緣運行,進行物料搬運作業,通常用於車間、倉庫等物料搬運作業,其中手動單梁起重機用於不允許用電或無電源場合。配合馬達抓鬥或單軌抓鬥還可用於散裝物料搬運作業。本單元起重機結構緊湊,操作靈活,既可用於地麵操作,也可用於司機室操作。特殊要求情況下,還可進行遙控操作。是工業生產或貯運不可缺少的裝備。 The technical standards of this kind of crane are in accordance with JB/T1306《Electric single girder crane》and JB/T2603《Electric single girder suspending crane》.It features compact structure,flexible manipulation.with pendant,remote or cab control,it is a indispensable equipment for material handling in workshops,warehouses etc. |
| ng>LX型0.5噸-10噸電動單梁懸掛橋式起重機 Type LX Electric Single-Girder Suspending Cranes 0.5t-10tng> 本機適用於工廠、倉庫。其建築物軌麵到屋架下弦高度≤500mm的場所,小車采用電動葫蘆與之配套,機理結構靈活,運行安全可靠。如有特殊要求的跨度,我廠可代為非標設計制造。 The crane applies to works and storehouses where it is≤500mm height between the rail surface of building and the rafter of roof truss.The trolley forms a set with electric hoist,The mechanism of crane is nimble,with safe and reliable motion.It is capable of designing and making non-standard hoisting equipment,if you need special requirement in span. |
ng>外形尺寸及主要參數 Overall Dimension and Main Technical Datang> 
| ng>LDng>型1噸-10噸電動單梁橋式起重機 Type LD Electric Single-Girder Overhead Cranes 1t-10tng>ng> 本機適用於工廠倉庫對貨物吊裝量不大且運轉不甚頻繁的作業場所,小車采用電動葫蘆與之配套,此外本廠承接特殊跨度和特殊要求的非標訂貨。 1t-10t Type LD Electric Single Girder Overhead Crane.The crane applies to works and storehouses where the lifting capacity for goods is not heavy and the crane isn't operated frequently.The trolley forms a set with the electric hoist.In is capable of designing and making various kinds of non-standard hoisting equipment according to orders. 註:1.廠房層頂高度應比起重機最高尺寸≥200mm。 2.括號內尺寸(800)僅為閉式端麵開門操縱室用。 Note:1.The headroom of the crane should be no less than 200mm. 2.The size 800 in the bracket is only for the use of closed type cabin with door at side. |
ng>外形尺寸及主要參數 Overall Dimension and Main Technical Datang> 
| ng>LXG型電動懸掛橋式過軌起重機 Type LXG suspension over-rail cranes with hoistng> LXG型電動單梁懸掛過軌起重機是為我國大型火力發電廠輸磨煤系統而設計的專用起重設備,主要用於吊運磨輥及其它磨煤機部件,它還適用於連跨車間以及需要懸掛過軌的各種現場。 Type LXG Suspension Over-Rail Crane is specially designed for use at coal,mill in power plant,it applies to hoisting the roller spare parts of coal mill and etc,It is also suitable for use of connecting the workshop and various site where it is needed. |
ng>外形尺寸及主要參數 Overall Dimension and Main Technical Datang> 
| ng>SDQ型1噸-10噸手動單梁橋式起重機 Type SDQ manual-acting single beam overhead cranes 1t-10tng> 本機屬輕小機種,適用於工廠設備安裝,維修以及無電源或雖有電源但經常停電的作業場所,手動單軌小車與之配套,適用性好,造價合理,如有特殊要求者,我廠可代為設計制造。 The crane is a light-duty machinery,It applies to the works where equipments are erected and served and the place where it is no power or power is often cut.It forms a set with manual monorail trolley.The price is reasonable.It is capable of designing and making if you have special requirement. |
ng>外形尺寸及主要參數 Overall Dimension and Main Technical Datang> 
| ng>SLXng>型0.5噸-3噸手動單梁懸掛起重機 Type SLX manual-acting single-beam suspending cranes 0.5t-3tng>ng> 在下列情形之一者,采用本機種。1、吊裝貨物不頻繁2、建築物軌麵上至屋架下弦高度≤500mm。3、無動力源4、雖有電源但供電不正常或經常停電。 Use the Crane according to the following situation:1.Unfrequent for lifting goods.2.Height (between the rail surface of building and the rafter of roof truss) ≤500mm3.No power.4.Power is cut frequently or supplied irregularly. |
ng>外形尺寸及主要參數 Overall Dimension and Main Technical Datang> 