品牌:穗合 | 加工能力:80-120m/h | 型號:S-WYJ-4/750G |
種類:編織機 | 牽引帶寬度:750 | 牽引速度:80-120m/h |
規格:8000×2400×2600 | | |
ng>四梭圓筒網眼袋機ng>ng> ng>
ng>編號ng>ng> ng>ng>(ng>ng>№ng>ng>)ng>ng>:ng>ng>S-WYJ-4/750Gng>
ng>產品ng>ng> ng>ng>介紹ng>ng> :ng>
ng>本機是用於水果、蔬菜、紅蘿卜、球菜、土豆、玉米、洋蔥等網眼編織袋的生產。新型網眼袋機一種先進交叉裝置的網袋機,具有變頻配置、經斷、緯斷、緯完自動停機及明顯分區、數位計米等功能。該機具有結構緊湊、維修方便、高效益節能等特點,比老一代針板式交叉裝置的網袋機節省配件費用ng>ng>90%ng>ng>,電能ng>ng>35%ng>ng>,而且性能更穩定,交叉經絲具有纏繞準確,經絲準確,經絲能實現ng>ng>180°ng>ng>旋轉,對經絲為圓絲的網袋更能展現其卓越的性能,是替代老式網眼袋機的最理想選擇。ng>ng> ng>
ng>This machine can produce different kinds of mesh packaging bags which can be used to pack fruits, vegetable, carrot, potato, com etc...This machine is our new type mesh circular loom with cross device. It has the following function: inverter device, automatic stop when warp or weft is broken or weft is finished, count, advanced structure, easy maintenance and good benefit and saving the energy etc... Comparing with the old type mesh circular loom, it can save 90% spare parts and 35% electricity. Moreover, the character of this machine is more stable. It can cross the warp correctly, The warp can turn 180°.Even if the warp is circle yarn, this machine can show its excellent performance. It is the best ideal replacement of old type mesh circular loom.ng>ng> ng>
ng>主要技術參數ng>ng>(Main Technical Parameters):ng>
ng>項目ng>ng> ng> ng>Itemng> ng>型號ng>ng> ng> ng>Typeng> | ng>梭子數(把)ng>ng> ng> ng>Number of shuttlesng> | ng>編織折徑ng>ng>10-24ng>ng>條絲ng>ng>/100mmng> ng>Width of braid (mm)ng> | ng>最多徑絲(條)ng>ng> ng> ng>Most radia filaments (art)ng> | ng>主機轉速ng>ng>ng> ng>Rotational speed of main engineng> ng>(ng>ng>r/minng>ng>)ng>ng>ng> | ng>電機總功率ng>ng>ng> ng>Power of machineryng> ng>(ng>ng>kwng>ng>)ng>ng>ng> | ng>產量ng>ng>ng> ng>Capacityng> ng>(ng>ng>m/hng>ng>)ng>ng>ng> | ng>安裝尺寸ng>ng>ng> ng>(ng>ng>mmng>ng>)ng>ng>ng> ng>Installing dimensionsng> ng>(ng>ng>mmng>ng>)ng>ng>ng> | ng>重量ng>ng>ng> ng>Weightng> ng>(ng>ng>kgng>ng>)ng>ng>ng> |
ng>S-WYJ-4/750Gng> | ng>4ng> | ng>300-750ng> | ng>512ng> | ng>50-100ng> | ng>2.7ng> | ng>80-120ng> | ng>8000×2400×2600ng> | ng>1900ng> |
ng>註ng>ng>:以上產品外形或技術參數如有變化,恕不另行通知。ng>ng>Note:ng>ng>All technical parameter are subject to change without notice.ng>