加工定制:是 | 品牌:REXROTH/力士樂 | 型號:ACC |
材質:鐵 |
Øng>艾科公司專業致力於流體領域設備的設計、制造、銷售、服務,是軋機反沖洗過濾系統設計制造國內的領先者。 ng>ng>ACC specializes in designing, manufacturing, selling and servicing equipments in fluid field, which is ng>ng>regarded as one of the domestic leaders for designing and manufacturing the back-flushing filtration ng>ng>system of rolling mill. ng>
Øng>依托高校的學術優勢,擁有一支經驗豐富、高素質的技術開發團隊,先後為寶鋼、寶新、寧鋼、聯眾、唐鋼、 ng>ng>沙鋼、克虜伯等大型冶金行業、汽車行業、造船修船行業及水利行業進行瞭多個項目設計、開發、成套工作。 ng>ng>With the academic advantages of universities, ACC has a rich-experienced and highly-qualified ng>ng>technical development team. It has done multiple jobs of project designing, developing and completing ng>ng>for large-scale metallurgy industry, automobile industry, shipbuilding and shiprepairing industry and ng>ng>water conservancy industry such as BaoSteel, Baoxin Steel, Ningbo Steel, Lianzhong Steel, TangSteel, ng>ng>ShaSteel, Krupp Stainless, etc. ng>
Øng>自成立以來,公司始終秉持 ng>ng>“ ng>ng>以人為本,企業必興 ng>ng>” ng>ng>的發展理念,尊重專業技術人才,註重培訓,目前已有高級工 ng>ng>程師3名,技術骨乾15名。 ng>ng>Since the establishment, the company insists on the development concept of ng>ng>“ enterprise’s prosperity is based on people-oriented awareness.” The company shows great respect to ng>ng>technical talents and also pays attention to their trainings. At present, there are 3 senior engineers and ng>ng>15 technical backbones in the company. ng>
Øng>公司總部設在上海,下屬有上海艾科液壓技術有限公司寧波分公司、上海艾科液壓技術有限公司張傢港分公司。 ng>ng>The headquarter of the company is located in Shanghai. The subordinate companies include Shanghai ng>ng>ACC Hydraulic Technique Co.,Ltd. Ningbo Branch and Shanghai ACC Hydraulic Technique Co.,Ltd. ng>ng>Zhangjiagang Branch. ng>
Øng>2002 上海艾科液壓技術有限公司成立。 ng>Shanghai ACC Hydrau Technology Co.,Ltdwas founded in 2002
Øng>2007 上海艾科液壓技術有限公司寧波分公司成立,為寧波寶新、寧波鋼鐵等冶金企 ng>ng>業提供多方位零距離服務。 ng>Shanghai ACC Hydrau TechnologyCo.,Ltd NingboBranch was founded in 2007.For providing the metallurgy enterprises such as NingboBaoxin and Ningbo Steel with multiaspect services and zero distance services.
Øng>2009 上海艾科液壓技術有限公司張傢港分公司成立,為江蘇沙鋼、浦項制鐵、江陰 ng>ng>興澄等冶金企業提供多方位零距離服務。 ng>Shanghai ACC Hydrau TechnologyCo.,LtdZhangjiagang Branch was founded in 2009 for proving the metallurgy enterprises suchas Jiangsu Shang Steel, Puhang Steelers, Jiangyin Xingcheng Steel with multiaspectservices and zero distance services.
