
  • 現在位置: 首頁 » 貨源 » 機械設備 » 緊固件、連接件 » 螺釘 »
    【現貨供應】特大加大 大扁頭機釘M6*20 宏瑞螺絲品質保證
    商品代碼: 2864851
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    加工定制:否 標準類型:GB 標準編號:其他
    品牌:HR 型號:M6*20 類別:機螺釘
    頭型:扁圓頭 槽型:十字 作用方式:手擰
    應用范圍:機械工業用緊固件 螺紋規格:M6 公稱長度:20(mm)
    螺紋公差:6g 表麵處理:鍍鋅 材料等級:碳鋼4.8級
    產品等級:A級 屬性:屬性值



    ng>       杭州宏瑞螺絲ng>專業致力於為廣大客戶提供一站式緊固件采購批發服務。目前主要生產經營:各種材質包括碳鋼、合金鋼、ng>不銹鋼ng>、銅等的ng>螺栓ng>、ng>螺釘ng>、ng>螺母ng>、ng>機螺釘ng>、ng>墊圈ng>、ng>擋圈ng>、ng>銷ng>、ng>鍵ng>、ng>鉚釘ng>、ng>自鉆自攻釘ng>、ng>自攻螺釘ng>、ng>纖維板螺釘ng>、ng>乾壁釘ng>、ng>傢具螺絲ng>等五金零件,標準涵蓋GB、DIN、BS、ANSI、JIS,產品等級涵蓋ng>4.8級ng>、ng>6.8級ng>、ng>8.8級ng>、ng>10.9級ng>、ng>12.9級ng>,也可以按照客戶圖紙的要求來訂做。




    ng>     1.ng>ng>您還在為配齊各種規格的螺絲跑遍大小市場而身心俱疲嗎?ng>

    ng>         找宏瑞螺絲吧!宏瑞ng>ng>螺絲ng>目前已經將ng>螺栓ng>、ng>螺母ng>、ng>墊圈ng>、ng>螺釘ng>等68個品種、近5000個規格做瞭常備庫存,常用規格當天下單,當天發貨,庫存銷售,為中小企業提供緊固件一站式服務做瞭保障。

    ng>     2.您ng>ng>還在為高居不下的螺絲采購成本而苦惱嗎?ng>

    ng>     找宏瑞螺絲吧!ng>我們雖知ng>緊固件ng>品種繁多,價格低,在您的產品結構中屬於小零件,在成本結構中隻占很小的部分。但我們懂得積水成淵的道理,協助您哪怕是節省下那一點點的采購成本,都會幫助您生產出更具市場競爭力的產品,為此我們承諾將以最低的價格為您提供合適的緊固件產品,這也是我們存在的價值。

    ng>     3.ng>ng>您還在為采購量不大而遭受供應商怠慢而不悅嗎?ng>

    ng>     找宏瑞螺絲吧!宏瑞ng>ng>螺絲ng>始終秉承童叟無欺,不以采購量多寡評定客戶價值的經營理念。因為我們相信每個客戶的價值都是無限的,哪怕您隻從我們這裡采購一顆ng>螺絲ng>,我們都會以最真摯的態度為您提供最細致的服務。

    ng>     4ng>ng>.您還在為采購後的運輸問題而煩惱嗎?ng>

    ng>     找宏瑞螺絲吧!宏瑞ng>ng>螺絲ng>通過一系列措施,簡化客戶的購買過程。您隻需一個電話或傳真,我們就會為您把所需的ng>緊固件ng>配備齊全。小批量的我們可以為您代辦托運或快遞,大批量的我們會派專車免費為您送貨上門。

    ng>     5.ng>ng>您還在為采購螺絲後沒有售後保障而不安嗎?ng>

    ng>         找宏瑞螺絲吧!ng>我們鄭重承諾會對賣出的每一顆ng>螺絲ng>負責到底,因為我們深知每一顆ng>螺絲ng>都是承載著公司的信譽而來到客戶手裡的。隻要出現質量問題,我們承諾包退換。


    ng>     我們一直把產品的質量和公司的信譽視為生命,請您相信我們不會做殺雞取卵的生意。ng>








    ng>    宏瑞螺絲承諾符合以下情況,由產品售出之日(以實際收貨日期為準)起ng>ng>7ng>ng>日內可以退換貨,ng>ng>15ng>ng>日內可以換貨(不含客戶個人原因),客戶可聯系我們辦理退換貨事宜。具體退換貨標準如下:ng>



















           First,Honti FastenerDescription:
    Hangzhou Honri fastener is committed to providing one-stop fastener procurement services for SMEs.Main production and operation: a variety of materials including carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, copper bolts, screws, nuts, machine screws, washers, retaining rings, pins, keys, rivets, self-drilling self-tapping screw, self tapping screws.chipboard screws, drywall screws, furniture screws and other metal parts, the standard covers GB, DIN, BS, ANSI, JIS, product level covering 4.8, 6.8, 8.8, 10.9, 12.9, in accordance with the requirements of the customer drawingsto build.
            Second, choice the civil and military screws 5 reasons:
            1、You still be installed for a variety of screws traveled to the size of the market and physically and mentally fatigued you?
             Looking for Honri Fastener .Honti Fastenerbolts, nuts, washers, screws and other 68 species, nearly 5000 specifications of standing stock, common specifications when the world is single, same day shipping, inventory, sales, fasteners one-stop service for SMEs to doguaranteed.
    Are you still as high screw procurement costs distress you?
             Looking for Honri Fastener!Although we know that a wide variety of fasteners, the price is low, a small part in your product mix, only a small part of the cost structure.But we know how to stagnant water into deep truth to help you even if it is to save that little bit of procurement costs, will help you produce more competitive products to this end we are committed to going to the lowest price to provide you withfastener products, which is the value of our existence.

           3、You still purchases not suffered neglect and unhappy suppliers do?

          Looking for Honri Fastener! The Honti screw always adhering to fairtrade, not the business philosophy of customer value assessment in the amount of purchases.Because we believe that the value of each customer are unlimited, even if you only purchaseof a screw from us, we will most meticulous service to provide you with the most sinceremanner.

         4. Are you waiting for the procurement of transport problems and trouble?

         Looking for Honri Fastener! Honti Fastener through a series of measuresto simplify the customer's buying process. You need a phone or fax, we will provide youfully equipped with the required fasteners. Small quantities of our consignment agent orcourier, in large quantities for you we will send car for free delivery.

         5、Are you waiting for procurement screws no after-sale protection disturbed you?

         Looking for Honri Fastener! We solemnly promise that ascrew will sell for in the end, because we know that every one of the screws are carryingthe company's reputation and came to the hands of customers. As long as the quality

    problem, we are committed to the package returned.

         We have been the quality of the product and the company's reputation as the life, youbelieve that we will not do Banded business.

         I believe you already have a satisfied partner, but at the same time to welcome yourvisit, included in your first option is our pleasure. If you are not satisfied with thecurrent partner, I firmly believe that we will be your optimal partner. The proof of thepudding, you are in touch with us, will let you find that we are talking about is notempty, but down to earth service. Now Hangzhou Forklift Truck Co., Ltd., Hangzhou SolarTechnology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Impression West Lake, cultural development Co., Ltd., anumber of companies work with us.

         Hangzhou Honri Fastener promise: quality assurance, timely delivery,after-sale protection. The same goods the lowest price, the same price as our qualityfirst. We warmly welcome new and old customers to guide. What are you still hesitating?

         Quickly call us, Tel: 13575476227, Fax :0571-81953075 at the same time we also welcomeyou to add QQ: 1073889899 consultation. We have ready for your dedicated service.


    Third,After-saleprotectionand shippinginstructions:

    ng>ReturnsGeneral Principlesng>ng>ng>


    ng>   Screwcivil and militarycommitmentfollowing conditions are met,productssold,the date(date)the actualdate of receiptwithin 7 daysyou can returnwithin 15 dayscan be exchanged(excludingcustomers' personalreasons),customerscan contact ustohandleReturnsMatters.SpecificReturnsstandardsare as follows:ng>ng>ng>



    ng>Detailed descriptionng>

    ng>Whether to supportseven days(inclusive)within thereturn policyng>ng>ng>ng>ng>

    ng>Whether to support the15 days(inclusive)within thereplacementng>ng>ng>ng>ng>



    Thequality of goodsunderthelaws of the State

    Identified as belonging tocivil

    and militaryscrewaftermarket






    Arrivallogisticslosses, the lack ofother reasons

    Logisticslossreferstodamageduring transport,crushing,after-salesstafftoverifytrue.Lackreferst

    othe number of missinggoods.




    ng>Duringtheauditofthecivil and militaryscrewsmay need toexpresstoprove ortoask you toprovide in-kindphotos,sothattheafter-salesstaffisquickto make judgmentsand timely manner.ng>

    Other reasons

    Inadditiontotheabovetwo reasons,personal reasonsledto




    (Customerto bearthereturn shipping


    產品名稱:ng>特大加大 大扁頭機釘M6*20 宏瑞螺絲品質保證ng>


    【現貨供應】特大加大 大扁頭機釘M6*20 宏瑞螺絲品質保證_螺釘_緊固件、連接件_機械設備_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i