
  • 飲料瓶片清洗設備
    商品代碼: 2857501
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    加工定制:是 類型:高壓蒸汽清洗機 用途:工業用
    型號:PET-2000 功率:380000(w) 品牌:泓盛

    PET-2000H Waste plastic bottlePET Bottlerecycling cleaning equipment

    ng>1 Introduction of Processng>

    After accumulated more than decades’ experience in PET recycling field, we are not only developing and supplying the know-how of whole plant equipment, but also actually running and selling PET materials business in up & down stream productions now. Under this outstanding condition, the equipment and know-how proposals are certified by actual operations.

    PET-2000 PET bottle recycling production line process flowchart

    ng>2 The Concepts & Characteristics of Processing Designng>

    The key point of recycling the material from wasted plastics is the percentage of impurities removed. The impurities are included in the polluted substances of the environment, other materials attached with the original main plastic body, even with different colors of material. With the variety of other recycled materials

    The reasons of our process can achieve this economic and efficient target, due to we controlled the core of different impurities’ characters well. And through our different functional modules, we purify the PET bottle material step by step.

    ng> ng>

    ng>3 Functional Module Unit Introductionng>


    ng>A. Escapes the Label & Washing Unitng>

    After escapes the label ,Under powerful stirring, Bottle-Washer combined de-baling and pre-washing functions; it also makes the processes brief and economics. Combined the power functions of machinery, chemistry and heat energy, those impurities

    ng>B. Bottle Sorting Unitng>

    Automatic screening and manual screening

    This unit is final separation screen before the bottle smashed; to screen those very few left other substances

    ng>C. Unit Wet Grinding Unitng>

    This unit is specially designed for crushing PET bottles, which have following characteristic: input smoothly and output stably, low power consumption, low noise and vibration, strong structure, low maintenance cost. It’s designed by a wet grinding way, which not only using the water impact to enforce the cleanness of PET flakes, also prevent the blades’ damage. Due to cold water decreased the high temperature which caused by the friction, and it obtains the longer life of the blades too.

    ng>D. Gravity Separation. Friction Washing with Hot Solutionng>


    The smashed flakes are mixed with smashed PP material caps, this unit is using the gravity difference (~1.3/~0.9) of PET and PP, and using water (gravity 1) as a media to let PET sink and PP floating above the water. This effective will make PET more purified, and after collected PP flakes and dried it, and this is a standardized production.

    ng>E. Drying & Packing Unitng>

    Going through the centrifugal, the humidity 2% Up and downbefore the packing. And packaging .

    ng>F. Solution Circulation & Treatment Systemng>

    Our formula detergent is with following characteristics; power rinse effectiveness, low bubbles, low residue, easy management of wasted water etc. Detergent functioned in a closed circulation system, which equipped self-clean system that maintaining the detergent density in right time and right quantity for keeping the rinse cleanness. For ensure the effectiveness of rinsing, the clean water used in the washing unit can be re-used, and this function will achieve the water consumption to a most economic condition

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