清掃方式:駕駛式清掃 | 產品單價:148.00 |
鞋 業:
同時可按需方圖紙,樣板資料生產各種異型毛刷,規格不限,可按客戶提供的規格圖紙定制生產。 本公司擁有先進的生產設備,雄厚的技術力量和一流的管理水平,生產的產品覆蓋全國各地,在市場上享有較高的聲譽,深受廣大用戶和單位的一致好評……
Industrial brush products are: Nylon brush roller brush roller, roller brush, steel wire brushes, strip brushes, belts, brushes, disc brushes, brush springs, nylon brush, rubber rollers, sponge absorbent roller, sanitation trucks sweeping brush, fireplac chimney brush, bottle brush pipe brush, glass cleaner brush roll, fruit and vegetable cleaner brush roller, textile industry brush, ceramic glaze wire brush, paper and printing equipment, roller, anti-static brush, metalpolishing and grinding brush, roller brush metal pickling, Automatic Shoe Polisher brush wheels, and other special brush.Often used in electric drive, equipped with all types of mechanical devices, with a cylindrical brush roller bearing is the most representative industrial brush products.Common washing machine is equipped with food. Some roller cleaning brush, glass cleaning brush roller cleaning machinery, metal surface degreasing with acid cleaning brush, steel plants, aluminum processing plants and other uses wire brush rolland so on.Huaxiang Brush Factory.